Magdalene Shabbat Message: The Black Madonna

The Black Madonna emerges, covered in her Sacred Mantle. She is the sacred dark, the whispered mystery between shadow and light. Her darkness is a prelude to dawn. A journey to reach her is a voyage into the very heart of mystery, a pilgrimage to the soul’s hidden sanctuary. As she guides us back home either through the exaltation of joy or through our darkest hours, She is always there for us, the guardian at the threshold, holding the medicinal fire for our healing.
Ana Otero
As we gather to welcome Shabbat on this beautiful Venus Day, within the month Iyar -Taurus, let us bring into our awareness the deep connection to devotion and pilgrimage that the Black Madonna teaches us, for she always guides us on an inner journey toward our hidden unity.
Iyar – Taurus is a month of Healing and rediscovering our completeness and wholeness is part of this healing.
Just as we initiate pilgrimages to meet the various Black Madonna sites in different areas of the world, The Black Madonna teaches us that it is through the journey, not necessarily the outcome, where healing and true wisdom are found.
The Black Madonna´s pilgrimage is actually one towards our infinite black light, that point which is true infinity – eternity, that space within us that is the well which we drink from. This is the water that Yeshua speaks of when he meets the Samaritan woman and asks for water to quench his thirst, and then he tells her that the water that He can actually offer her will quench her thirst forever. This is the Well of Wisdom, of life, of healing, that all of us can access.
In this encounter, detailed in the Gospel of John, Yeshua asks for a drink, a simple human request, but quickly transcends this physical need by offering the Samaritan woman “living water” that would quench her thirst forever. Here, water becomes a powerful symbol of spiritual sustenance and salvation. Yeshua’s offer reflects the idea that the true solutions to our deepest thirsts and desires do not come from external sources but from a divine wellspring within.
This “Well of Wisdom, of life, of healing” that the Black Madonna’s pilgrimage leads us toward is akin to the living water Yeshua speaks of. It is a source of profound spiritual nourishment that promises more than temporary relief but eternal fulfillment and peace. This well is not exclusive; it is accessible to all who seek it, implying a universal potential for redemption and enlightenment available irrespective of one’s past or societal status—as the Samaritan woman, a figure of marginality, was shown to be worthy of this divine gift.
Each step we take in exploration of our inherent completeness is both a healing act and a profound devotion. We are taken closer to understanding the mysteries of our existence and the interconnectedness of all life. It is in the depths of our being that we find the waters of wisdom, ready to heal and transform us if we are willing to dive deep.
On this Shabbat day, let us commit to healing in this month, let us initiate the inner pilgrimage that seeks not the quick resolution and gratification, but the deeper truths.
May the Light of the Magdalene as the Embodiment of the Shekhinah be with us as we light our candles, bless our water and receive the Wedding Feast of Bread and Wine.
A Prayer for Healing
Black Madonna, Mother of Mercy, Lady of the Shadows and Giver of Grace, I come to you in prayer and humility, guided by my deep longing for healing and transformation.
Most Compassionate Madonna, you who understand suffering and yet shines with unyielding strength, witness the afflictions of my heart. See the wounds born of hurt and regret, feel the echo of the pain that I have endured, and that I have inadvertently inflicted on others.
In your profound wisdom and all-encompassing love, I ask for your healing touch. Let the balm of your compassion permeate these heartaches, soothing the anguish, and dissolving the bindings of past mistakes. In the silence of your presence, may the murmurs of hurt transmute into harmonies of forgiveness and understanding.
Black Madonna, Divine Alchemist, help me to harness this pain, to mold it, to transform it. With your guidance, let me shape these fragments of brokenness into service, into offerings of love for my fellow beings. May the weight of my past become the foundation on which I build bridges of empathy and service.
In your holy grace, dear Madonna, grant healing to my heart. Like a flower kissed by the dawn, may it open, layer by layer, revealing the core of pure love that resides within. With each beat, may it resonate with the rhythm of compassion, the pulse of selflessness, the song of service.
I am ready, dear Mother, to embody love fully, to serve wholeheartedly, to awaken to my true self, the Divine reflection within me. I am ready to heal, ready to love, ready to be who I truly am. With your blessing,
Black Madonna, may the journey of my heart lead me closer to this sacred truth.Through your grace, may my life be a testament to this transformation, a reflection of your divine love, an echo of your comforting embrace. Heal me, Black Madonna, that I may heal others; love me, that I may love others; serve me, that I may serve others.
In your name, the name of the Divine Mother, the Black Madonna, I offer this prayer. May it echo across the heavens, touch the heart of the Divine, and return laden with the blessings of healing, love, and transformation.Amein.
By Ana Otero
Image from The Desert Rose Oracle Cards available for purchase on my website. CLICK HERE.
This Sunday is our Monthly Sacred Movement Workshop: AHAVA SACRED DANCE AND DRUMMING. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
The Magdalene Womb Yoga Hathorian Awakening Experience is now available again on line! This is an on demand experience with practices, talks, transmissions, healing, light language, etc. Click here.
The Magdalene Womb Yoga Teacher Training is now open for registration. This training has been completely upgraded and I am grateful to be able to teach this powerful technology. CLICK HERE to register and to read more about this training.
If you would like to purchase the Black Madona Book of Prayers and Rituals, CLICK HERE.
Ana Otero