Cleansing the Tree Of Life Template. Week 4: Salt of the Earth

Ahava and Blessings,
We are on the 4th week of the counting of the Omer. This process of the Cleansing of the Tree of Life Template is extremely deep. Maybe some of us are feeling intense energies, either in the Light or more in the shadow. This is the portal of purification that was given to us in the moment of creation.
Salt of the Earth
The phrase “the salt of the earth” appears in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew, during the Sermon on the Mount. Yeshua uses this metaphor to describe the value and role of His followers in the world. The specific verse is Matthew 5:13, which reads:
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
In this passage, salt is used to symbolize purity, preservation, and the essential goodness of Yeshuas’ followers, implying that they are to contribute positively to the world and maintain their faithfulness to preserve their value in spiritual and moral terms.
The Zohar refers to “the salt of the earth” in discussing the role of righteous individuals who are faithful, thus preserving the spiritual integrity of humanity.
This phrase Salt of the Earth is actually connected to Netzah, the Sephira we are cleansing this week. Netzah is commitment, it is love in service, love in action, AHAVA. Netzah represents the presence of Venus, the Light, choosing the Light, and the goodness that we reveal when we move forward in commitment and transcend the challenges, blocks and shadows.
Netzach means Victory and is a storehouse of positive energy. It radiates the Desire to Share and becomes the channel of that energy as it begins to approach the physical world in which we live. This energy is pure Light from the Garden of Eden (Venus). Netzah also represents the right brain and connects us to our inner artist and our creativity.
Day 22, May 15, 2024
On this day focus on the ideas and creative expressions of those around you. We are always so focused on our creations and everything going on in the world that we sometimes neglect the dreams of those closest to us. If they do not share, ask them to share.
Day 23, May 16, 2024
Be aware of one negative behavior pattern that is recurrent. Be vigilant and do not give into it. You will feel empowered.
Day 24, May 17, 2024
If someone upsets you today, show compassion, and try to understand why they act in a certain way.
Day 25, May 18, 2024
Today, instead of seeing the negative quality in yourself, see a good one. Spend the entire day building on that quality.
Day 26, May 19, 2024
Just as we appreciate the beauty of art, music, fashion, writing, are we capable of seeing the beauty of Alaha´s creation? Today reflect on something that you don´t find beauty in, and then find the beauty within it.
Day 27, May 20, 2024
Choose one positive quality that is not in your nature that you would like to acquire and commit to brining it into your life.
Day 28, May 21, 2024
It is ok to show your weaknesses. It is ok for us not to be good at everything. Today acknowledge something that you find challenging and ask for help.
Thank you for your presence and may the fourth week of counting the Omer bring us infinite blessings.
Sending love to all of you.
Ana Otero