Cleansing the Tree of Life Template Week 3
Updated: May 11

Week 3 of Counting the Omer – Tiferet – The Heart
Tiferet is the Heart on the Tree of Life and embodies beauty and harmony, symbolizing the heart of human and divine interaction. It represents the perfect equilibrium between giving and receiving, acting as a bridge that connects mercy and rigor. Tiferet is essentially about the balance of opposites, harmonizing them to manifest the purest expression of beauty and grace. This sephira encourages us to reflect on the light and beauty within ourselves and to consider how we can share these gifts with the world. In doing so, Tiferet teaches us the importance of compassion and empathy, urging us to act with a balanced heart that both gives generously and receives graciously.
Day 15, May 8
Today send energy and prayers to one person in your life who may need some nurturing and care. Know with certainty that they are receiving your energy.
Send thoughts of comfort to someone who needs it today. Imagine your support wrapping around them like a warm blanket.
Day 16, May 9
Look at one of the challenges in your life. As hard as it may seem, look at the light and wisdom in that challenge. Remember that you have been given this challenge to manifest a change in your life.
Every challenge has a silver lining. Try to find the lesson in one of your struggles—it is there to help you grow.
Day 17, May 10
In order for there to be true peace in the world, we need to sit across from our enemy and understand their position. We must learn how to feel other´s pain and understand why people react in certain ways. If this is difficult for us, we just pray.
To build peace, try to understand where others are coming from, especially those you disagree with. Sometimes, all you can do is listen.
Day 18, May 11
What act of discipline is difficult for you to commit to? Today, hold the intention of doing everything, with total dedication, total attention, and total commitment.
Pick something you have been avoiding and give it your all your energy today. Full effort brings its own rewards.
Day 19, May 12
Today remember that Creation, Alaha, Divine Mother – Father is present everywhere, in the very breath we breath. Be humbled by this.
Remember that the same life force that flows through the world flows through you with every breath you take.
Day 20, May 13
Today take one action, one prayer, one act of grace, and know that you have offered healing to humanity.
Do one kind thing today and know you are repairing the world.
Day 21, May 14
Today focus on being positive and sharing your beauty and gifts to inspire others.
Use today to spread positivity. Show others the best of what you have to offer, and inspire them to do the same.
May this third week of counting the Omer bring us infinite blessings
Ana Otero