Hieros Gamos: Birthing Wholeness in a Fragmented World

Hieros Gamos

Birthing Wholeness in a Fragmented World

Shalom, often translated as “peace,” means to be whole, to be complete, to be in perfect harmony with oneself, others, and the divine. This completeness is not simply the absence of conflict; it is the sacred state of unity, within and without.

When we invoke shalom, we call forth an ancient wisdom, one that Mary Magdalene and Yeshua embodied so profoundly. Their teachings remind us that true peace is birthed not through external negotiations alone but through the inner alchemy of the soul. It is the mystical marriage, the hieros gamos, that transforms division into oneness, birthing peace within and radiating it out to the world.

The Mystical Marriage: Peace Born of Wholeness

Mary Magdalene’s journey was one of profound inner union. She taught that to experience peace, we must first reconcile the opposites within ourselves, the masculine and feminine energies, the light and shadow, the soul and the ego. It is in this sacred dance of integration that we become whole.

Yeshua’s message of love was not just a call to external acts of kindness; it was an invitation to embody the divine. “The kingdom of Alaha is within you,” he said. This kingdom, this wholeness, is found when we align our human nature with the divine spark that resides in our hearts. The mystical marriage is the birth of shalom within, the sacred union that allows the soul to rest in its eternal essence.

As we collectively witness a ceasefire in the the Middle East, we are reminded of the power of internal peace. Each of us is called to lay down the weapons of our inner conflicts, judgment, resentment, fear, and separation. The Earth herself longs for this harmony, as does every creature that walks upon her. When we release our inner battles, we contribute to the greater peace that ripples across nations and lands.

Imagine if every heart aligned with love, if humanity collectively chose compassion over division, understanding over judgment. This is the peace Yeshua and Mary Magdalene lived and taught. It is the peace that restores the Earth and heals all beings, for in this unity, we remember that we are not separate from one another or from creation.

A Ritual for Birthing Peace

  1. Prepare Your Space: Light a candle, symbolizing the eternal light of the divine within you. Place a bowl of water nearby, representing the flow of grace and healing.
  2. Invoke Shalom: Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Whisper the word shalom three times, allowing its vibration to fill your being. Visualize its essence—wholeness, completeness, harmony—infusing your heart, mind, and body.
  3. Inner Union Prayer: Speak this prayer aloud:
    “May the divine within me reconcile all that is divided. May my heart and soul unite in perfect harmony. As I experience peace within, may I radiate peace to the world. Ahava Shalom.”
  4. Reflect on Peace: Write down one area of your life where you feel inner conflict. Offer it to the divine, asking for the wisdom and strength to transform it into harmony.

May this ceasefire, both within and without, be the beginning of true and lasting peace. May the Earth sigh with relief, her creatures dance in safety, and may we remember our shared divinity. In this sacred moment, let us honor Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, who show us the way to wholeness as the Divine Sacred Couple.

As we each embrace the mystical marriage and experience shalom, we weave a world where peace reigns, not as a fleeting dream but as an enduring reality.

May your heart be whole.

May your soul be at rest.

May peace reign.

I am wishing all of you a blessed Shabbat. You are welcome to join us today for our Monthly Online Magdalene Shabbat, the first one of 2025. We will be consecrating Divine Union with the essential oil of Agarwood. You don´t need to have the oil, you can join us without an oil or use an essential oil that you have. It is a blessing to facilitate this Myrraphore Ritual on a Shabbat Day. Please remember that participation is through a small donation and the funds go towards the children we are sponsoring in india with their food, clothing and education. CLICK HERE to register.

We started the Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training on January 15th. The Temple Doors close on January 31st. If you feel the calling you are still in time to join. CLICK HERE for more information and to register.

Light Conception Codes Online Retreat is our first online retreat of 2025. This experience is filled with powerful transmissions and activations so we can “conceive” the light in our lives and birth our Soul´s Deepest Longings and Mission. We will also receive the Light Conception Codes of Mother Mary. CLICK HERE for more information and to join us.

There are 2 spots available for the 1-1 Mentorship THE HOLY PULSE. CLICK HERE for more information.

Upcoming Retreats:

Magdalene Creation Codes in Málaga, Spain. April 18-21

We once again gather in the Al Andalus, the land of Venus, at Tierra Cósmica, to embody the Creation Codes of the Magdalene, working deeply with Shekhinah Magdalena. Limited Spaces. This is a residential retreat.

Magdalene Holy Gathering in Avalon July 18 – July 22.

Come and celebrate the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene in the Holy Land of Avalon. This is a non-residential retreat.

More in person retreats and trainings will be posted soon.

Shabbat Blessings.


Ana Otero

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