Mary Magdalene Message: Beloved of the Light

Mary Magdalene Message

Beloved of the Light

Beloved of the Light,

I speak to you now from a love that has no beginning and no end, flowing endlessly from the heart of Alaha. You, who carry the essence of divine light within you, are called to remember the truth that has always been: you are whole, you are holy, and you are held in the sacred embrace of the Divine.

Within you dwells a holy unionthe divine feminine and masculine energies that create the dance of life. These two aspects of your being have longed for harmony, for reunion, for the Mystical Marriage.

Feel the sacred masculine within you: the protector, the builder, the one who holds the container of your life. Honor him for his strength, his courage, and his committed presence.

Feel the sacred feminine within you: the nurturer, the creator, the one who breathes life into dreams. Honor her for her wisdom, her beauty, and her infinite love.

Bring these energies together now. See them standing in your heart space, bathed in the golden light of the Rose. Watch as they embrace, not as opposites, but as complements, as one essence expressed in two forms. In their union, a new light is bornthe light of wholeness, the light of divine truth.

This is the Mystical Marriage,  the union that births peace, harmony, and the fullness of love within you.

I place my hands over your heart now, beloved, and anoint you with the essence of the Eternal Rose. Feel its petals opening within you, each one a prayer of remembrance:

You are loved. You are whole. You are radiant. You are ready.

May the light of Alaha fill every corner of your being. May the sacred union within you guide your steps. And may the love you embody ripple out into the world, healing not only your heart but the hearts of all who are touched by your presence.

As you walk this path of love, know that I am with you always, whispering to your soul, reminding you of your divine essence.

Mary Magdalene

Channeled by Ana Otero


Ana Otero


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