Welcome September

Happy September to all of you in this Magdalene Community!
September brings us an opportunity to get things organized, to get grounded and to believe in the harmony of the cosmic cycles. This is a month 9 and we all will be influenced by this vibration. 9 is the number of wisdom and magic, a number of completion and fulfillment, beginnings and endings. Number 9 is also thought to symbolize the heavens and the afterlife. This number represents the ultimate attainment of enlightenment, accomplishment, and satisfaction.
Number 9 is connected to our subtle body. Our subtle body contains our past and present information. I like to see the subtle body as the Cosmic Egg that surrounds each and everyone of us energetically. Once we learn how to purify the karmas we have accumulated, we have access to the pure subtle body, let´s say that those karmas are pushed out of the Cosmic Egg. This is magical, just like number 9, because we have the ability to create from our soul essence and we have more space to see from our third eye, making our intuition the guiding voice that we turn to to make decisions and perceive information.
9 is sometimes associated with Saturn. We are given an opportunity to complete things that haven´t been finished in our lives, to shut doors and move on, but if we don´t (and this is when Saturn comes comes in) what we haven´t dealt with will even be stronger in the next cycle.
I strongly recommend using sandalwood essential oil and to have blue flowers on your altar or around your house in this month of September. It is said that Saturn as a Deity Planet is happy with Sandalwood and Blue flowers and you will receive the blessings of this Planet.
We are all aware of the big shift that is happening. We are being forced to come into a New Way of being Human. e are literally in the birth canal going through all of the contractions and pushing, but there is still a lot we need to do on a personal level and on a collective level. Purifying Saturn is very important, as the blocks you have to that lead you to your PROSPERITY will be removed. This is a very hopeful and powerful month, but we need to do the work.
We have a great opportunity to CLEAN UP with this Virgo Portal. Virgo embodies the archetype of the priestess that has purified and is dedicated to practical ways of serving the Goddess. To Virgo, the body truly is a temple. Virgo teaches us that daily ritual and spiritual practice can connect us to the innate wisdom of the body as well as allow us to cultivate a deep reverence and devotion for the cycles of nature. Virgo aligns with the archetype of the Healer and the Wise Woman living in a cottage in the woods, crafting healing elixirs and herbal remedies from what grows in her well-tended garden. (Just an advance, to connect with Virgo Healing there will be a mini course on the Myrraphore tradition available in September in the online school).
As we go into September, I have felt the completion of my hard work (again Saturn). I opened the English Section of the school in January 2020. There has been a lot of hard work involved running both sections, the Spanish Campus and the English Campus. Some retreats have had to be moved to December and 2021 due to the pandemic and that was also a lot of organization. But now I am thrilled to say that everything feels grounded and I can concentrate on what I love to do the most, CREATE.
In September 2020 many beautiful activities are starting and fascinating memberships, this information will be shared on September 1.
Very Important: This week: The Sun is in Virgo; Mercury is in Virgo until September 5th when it enters Libra; Venus is in Cancer; Mars is in Aries.
September 1-2: Pisces Full Moon
September 2: Sun Trine Uranus
September 2: Venus Opposite Saturn
September 9: Mars Retrograde
September 9: Sun Trine Jupiter
September 11: Sun Opposite Neptune
September 13: Jupiter Direct
September 17: New Moon in Virgo
September 22: Equinox and Libra Season
September 28: Saturn Direct
29: Mars Square Saturn
Please feel free to write to me and send me your reflectionst.
May the Magdalene Flame guide you every day in every way.
Ana Otero