Virgo Blessings and Prayers

Ahava and Blessings
How are all of you feeling as we entered the Virgo Portal?
Virgo is the queen of heaven and the mother goddess of nature assigned to serve and guide the race of humanity.Virgo stands for the “womb of time” wherein the Mother – Father´s plan (the divine mystery and the secret of the ages) is slowly matured and-brought into manifestation at the appointed time. Virgo takes us to the valley of deep experience, where secrets are discovered and eventually brought to light. With Virgo two lights are revealed: the light of form and the light of God. Virgo teaches us cleanliness and purity. Thus Virgo represents the perfection of creation.
In this Portal we can practice being the Goddess of Nature, men and women, as we work with oils and herbs (Virgo representing this practice). Virgo teaches us to take care of our Bodies so they can be the Body Temple that sustains SPIRIT. Virgo also teaches us that structures are needed in order to expand in anything that we are doing.
Saying the above, as we approached the Virgo Portal I so needed this energy. My daily practice now includes more physical body work and every chance I get I feel the need to play my Frame Drum, experience with new herbs and walk in nature.
Now is the time to reflect on the cycles of life, the cycles of Mother Earth, the Moon, the cyclicality of the cosmos. Everything is absolute perfection and beautifully orchestrated. We can look at the perfection of creation for inspiration and ask ourselves what are the new structures we want to bring into our lives to expand?
I started writing my third book this week. Inspired and feeling blessed by the Prophetess Myriam, this third book will connect us back to the Women of the Well. My first encounter with Myriam was through my first Middle Eastern Dance class at the age of 17. Having been trained in ballet and later Flamenco, Middle Eastern Dance taught me a language that I already knew, organic, sensual and feminine. My teacher taught us about Myriam and I searched images of her and put one on my altar.
Dance has always been a part of integral religious practice, and Trance Dance takes us into altered states of Consciousness, but Myriam´s Dance and Drumming is a structured sacred geometry that creates a container for bringing down the Holy Spirit (just like Virgo). Through Myriam I came to understand the meaning of Immaculate Conception, a becoming pure of the soul to be freed from Karma.
Today I wrote the following that is part of my new book: Prayer is a Sacred Language, as it aligns us to a vibrational pattern that is multidimensional. Through this vibrational pattern our voice is released from the egoic personality and we start to speak the words of our soul. We become the Song of the Mother – Father.
As Virgo works with patterns and systems, we can ask ourselves How am I expressing my voice? Close your eyes and feel the vibration that comes from your voice. What frequency would you like to align yourself with? Again, Virgo teaches us how to create systems for further expansion.
I am so happy that we are all connected, that we have been gifted as a humanity to energetically be in community, although it may not be physical.
As Community, Krishna Rose and I will be hosting our second Mary Magdalene Shabbat on September 4, at 18,00 CET and 12,00 PM EST. This is a free online live event and it would be a pleasure to have you.
May the Magdalene Flame guide you every day in every way.
AHAVA, Ana Otero