The Subtle Taste of our Inner World

Let us savour the subtle taste of our inner world.
Let us Soften into the mystery of self and create a profound conversation between the inner and the outer as well as between the different walks of life.
Let us find the well of our inner wisdom and in return offer our holiness to our Earth, to Humanity, to Alaha.
You are a sacred manifestation of the Divine’s love. Your essence is unique and your Soul longs to share her wisdom and her song with the world. In this moment of new beginnings the Muse calls upon us and inspiration is the nourishment that the Soul longs for. We can be inspired by a walk, by the ocean, through a conversation, when we learn something new, when we receive transmissions, a beautiful song…there is so much that sings to our soul.
The Mystery of ultimate intimacy lies deep rooted in your infinity. Embrace your Essence.
Sidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib wrote:
For if a person knew the worth of his heart, He would give all he had without hesitation. And if a person came to know the bliss within his own soul He would shed a tear of joy with every breath he took. He would fly forth from the body that has turned into his cage On wings of meditation to the Lote-Tree of the Boundary. And would range the expanses of (God’s) pedestal and (His) lesser and greater Thrones Where the galaxies appear but as a tiny ring
-Sidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib
Sending love to all of you. Thank you for your presence.
We are LOVE.
Ana Otero