The Queenship of Mary

On August 22, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates a memorial in honor of the Queenship of Mary. This memorial takes place eight days after celebrating Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. The Queenship can be considered a prolongation of the celebration of the Assumption.
In the story of the Annunciation, Mary chooses to bring forth a messenger of the Light, the Savior and Redeemer, by following not the false light but the true Light above the Aeons. In the Pistis Sophia, Mary conceives spiritually through the accepting of the Redeemer as the soul of the child in her womb. The Living Yeshua tells the story thus: “It came to pass then thereafter, that at the command of the First Mystery I looked down on the world of mankind and found Mary, who is called my mother according to the body of matter. I spake with her in the guise of Gabriel, and when she had turned herself to the height towards me, I cast thence into her the first power which I had received from Barbelo—that is the body which I have borne in the height. And for the soul I cast into her the power which I have received from the great Sabaoth the Good, who is in the region of the Right.” In this fashion Mary takes on the culmination and embodiment of the redemptive role and destiny of the Holy Sophia.
Today we celebrate that we are the Children of Sophia – Divine Mother – Shekhinah. We are the protectors and guardians of her secret Gnosis – Mystery Teachings. Even in times and places of darkness we have known her light. As in the prophetic verse of Isaiah, “They that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.”
Let us celebrate these mysteries within us. Let us Celebrate the conception of Christ within our own souls. Let us receive the annunciation and hear the hail of Gabriel. Today Mary affirms to us the Light that we all are and the Light of where we come From.