The Divine Feminine is a limitless connecting web of life, SHE is the unseen soul of the cosmos, the intermediary between the unknowable and life in this dimension.
The Shekinah describes the feminine as Mother, Beloved, Sister and Bride—and she gives women what we have lacked throughout the last two thousand years in Western civilization, an image of the Divine Feminine that is reflected at the human level within ourselves. The Shekinah awakens our Divine Motherhood as we become the Mother of All Living things and honor and defend life and our planet.
The Shekinah brings together in a resplendent relationship heaven and earth, the Divine and the Human, the invisible and visible and all polarities in sacred union.
Shekinah is in all Creation, even the apparent insignificant and ordinary of what we call everyday life. She turns our Human Experience into something to be loved, embraced, honoured and celebrated because she is the epiphany of the divine intelligence and love that has brought all into manifestation and SHE dwells within all that is manifested.
Poem to Shekinah
breath filling body
creating new space
soundless vibration
i deepen as
she appears from the dark
smooth and serpentine
intense, she penetrates
i deepen
our energy connects
holy and sacred
she coils around me
any false reality
through a sacred dance
I am seduced
i deepen
my insides remember Her voice,
all is energy
Hers is the Holy Presence
i deepen
we merge and become one
in the act of Co-Creation
Ana Otero
Let us honor and love Shekinah, for when she is loved by her children we awaken within THE VOICE OF THE DIVINE.
May the Magdalene Flame guide you every day in every way.
Ana Otero