Rosh Hashanah : The Mystical Portal of Renewal and the Feminine Christ in the Messianic Age

Rosh Hashanah

The Mystical Portal of Renewal and the Feminine Christ in the Messianic Age

Rosh Hashanah, the new Lunar year,  is a powerful cosmic portal that invites us into a mystical renewal, aligning our soul with the divine blueprint of creation. Rosh Hashanah is a time of deep spiritual reflection, offering the opportunity to re-create our lives, cleanse our past, and step forward into a more evolved version of ourselves. It is the birth of the lunar year—a return to the source of Divine intention. In the mystery schools of ancient wisdom, Rosh Hashanah holds the potential for personal and collective tikkun (correction), as we align with the rhythms of the cosmos and the celestial renewal of the universe.

This sacred portal is about judgment and mercy, new beginnings, and the birth of divine potential. According to the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation), “With three books—the book of time, the book of space, and the book of soul—does the Divine create and recreate all worlds.” Rosh Hashanah marks the opening of these divine books, and we are given the opportunity to rewrite our story, realign with our divine purpose, and co-create with the Eternal.

Rosh Hashanah and the Feminine Christ: Mary Magdalene in the Messianic Age

The essence of renewal, transformation, and rebirth found in Rosh Hashanah mirrors the sacred journey of Mary Magdalene who represents the transcendent feminine in the Messianic Age. Just as Rosh Hashanah invites us to return to the origin of our soul, the Magdalene, as the embodiment of divine feminine wisdom, calls us to return to the heart of the sacred feminine, the Shekhinah, and the unification of opposites.

Mary Magdalene intimately understood Yeshua’s mystical teachings and embodied the balance of divine masculine and feminine. She is both a teacher who guided humanity 2000 years ago, and also a living archetype of the feminine aspect of Christ consciousness, who continues to guide us through portals of spiritual ascension and awakening. In the Messianic Age, the feminine expression of the Christ energy emerges as a transformative force that heals, awakens, and renews the collective soul.

On Rosh Hashanah, we are invited to enter into the “Book of Soul” and to renew our own inner Christ consciousness by connecting to both the masculine and feminine energies within us. The Magdalene teaches us that this union is not only about spiritual ascension but also about grounding our divinity into the physical, living fully from a place of sacred embodiment. This is the work of tikkun ha’olam, the healing of the world, which begins with the healing of ourselves.

Renewal and Transcendence: The Mystical Feminine and Shekhinah

Rosh Hashanah is an invitation to reconnect with the Divine Feminine presence, the Shekhinah, the indwelling spirit of God that breathes life into creation. The Shekhinah is the feminine aspect of the Divine, the nurturing presence that dwells among us, guiding us back to our source. She is both the womb of creation and the breath that animates our soul.

In Kabbalistic astrology, the Moon, which rules over the new lunar year, is associated with the Shekhinah. The cyclical nature of the moon mirrors our own spiritual journey of waxing and waning, of fullness and emptiness. On Rosh Hashanah, we are called to honor the Shekhinah by renewing our commitment to our soul’s purpose and by aligning with the cosmic cycles that govern both the physical and spiritual realms.

Each zodiacal frequency of the Moon sign carries unique lunar soul codes that influence our DNA, health, and inner journey. These frequencies are activated on Rosh Hashanah, opening the path for divine healing. When we attune to these frequencies, we allow the Shekhinah to flow through us, activating our divine potential and awakening the dormant spiritual codes within our DNA. It is a time for us to reset, rebalance, and renew the sacred union between the masculine and feminine forces within us.

Mother Mary and Rosh Hashannah

The stars that adorn the crown of Mother Mary, often depicted with twelve radiant points, represent the zodiacal frequencies—twelve archetypal energies that are present in the divine creation of the universe. These zodiacal energies were formed through the sacred vibrations of the Aramaic-Hebrew letters, each of which is connected to one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. These letters are creative forces, channels through which the Divine breathes life into creation.

On Rosh Hashanah, the cosmic energies of these zodiacal frequencies are reactivated, opening up a portal for renewal and spiritual transformation. The stars above Mother Mary’s head are reminders of the divine blueprint embedded in the cosmos, the frequencies that move through the stars and planets, influencing our soul’s path and calling us to align with our highest purpose.

Rosh Hashanah Altar

  • Twelve Candles or Stars: Place twelve candles or symbolic stars to represent the twelve zodiacal frequencies, and the 12 emanations of Creations above Mother Mary´s Head, above the Head of Goddess, Mother Divine. Each candle representing an aspect of your soul’s divine path and purpose through the creation frequencies.
  • Sacred Oils: Use a sacred anointing oil on your body and altar objects to invite the sacred presence of the Shekhinah.
  • Aramaic-Hebrew Letters: Write or engrave the letters associated with each zodiacal frequency on your altar. This will activate the cosmic frequencies in your space, calling in divine guidance for the year ahead.
  • Crystals : Include your favourite crystals on your altar. Stone live labradorite and Lapis are great, as in this time of the year Mother Anna opens our book of life and these crystals are connected to the Matriarch of the Christ Lineage. Crystals are great for grounding energy!
  • Flowers and Fruits: These symbolize abundance, fertility, and the cycles of creation. Pomegranates, a traditional symbol of Rosh Hashanah, represent divine wisdom and the 613 mitzvot (commandments).
  • Sacred Books or Scrolls: Place sacred texts on your altar, inviting divine knowledge and wisdom to guide you into the new year.
  • Mirror or Water Bowl: Include a mirror or a bowl of water to reflect the moon’s energy and remind you of the cyclical nature of the lunar year. The water element invokes the flow of Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine, bringing peace and intuition into your life.

Reflection Questions for Rosh Hashanah

What areas of my life are calling for renewal and transformation?

Reflect on where you feel stagnation or resistance. How can you invite new energy and a fresh perspective into these areas?

How am I balancing the masculine and feminine energies within me?

In what ways can you nurture both the action-oriented, directive energy (masculine) and the receptive, nurturing energy (feminine) in your life?

What karmic patterns or ancestral imprints am I ready to release?

Rosh Hashanah is a time to clear the past and step into a new cycle. What patterns have you inherited from your lineage, and how can you bring healing and closure to these cycles?

How can I embody the Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine, more fully in my life?

Reflect on how you can cultivate deeper compassion, nurturing, and wisdom in your relationships, your work, and your spiritual practice.

What is my soul’s highest vision for this new lunar year?

Take a moment to connect with your inner knowing. What is your soul calling you toward in this new cycle? How can you align your actions with your highest vision?

Reminder: The Mother Anna Violet Flame Training is open for registration. This is an online immersion training. If you cannot be present in real time, the recording and material will be available after our weekend training. CLICK HERE for more information.

Sending love to all of you.


Ana Otero

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