Ritual of Descent into the Soul Essence with Myrtle Oil

Sacred Biblical Oils

Ritual of Descent into the Soul Essence with Myrtle Oil

When Mary Magdalene anointed Yeshua, it was far more than an expression of love or farewell. It was an act steeped in sacred mystery,  invoking the Rucha D´Koodsha, the breath of the Holy Spirit. Through the sacred oils, Mary poured divine love directly into the essence of the soul, igniting the Holy Spirit within. This anointing was not only for Yeshua, but was symbolic of the Christ Light within all of humanity, waiting to be awakened.

The sacred act of anointing is a spiritual transmission, a divine invitation to remember the truth of who we are. Through the oils, we activate the divine codes that reside within us and the union of the divine feminine and masculine. These dormant codes are part of the soul’s blueprint, embedded in the Book of Life, waiting to be activated and lived out. When we anoint ourselves or others, we participate in this ancient mystery, invoking the Shekhinah, the feminine aspect of Alaha (Divine Mother – Father), to dwell within us.

To anoint is to awaken. The sacred oils, imbued with divine frequencies, penetrate the unseen layers of our being: body, mind, and spirit. They go beyond the physical and reach the core of our soul, healing what needs to be healed, awakening what is read to be remembrered.

The power of anointing lies not only in the oils but in the act of consecration itself. It is a deliberate stepping into one’s role as a sacred vessel of divine light, willing to embody the holy flame of balance between the masculine and feminine within. Every time we anoint, we are reminded of the Aramaic – Hebrew word “Kadosh”, which means “to make holy.” It is a call to elevate every thought, every action, and every word into an act of sanctification. This is how we live in alignment with the Holy Spirit, how we become vessels of light in the world.

Upon entering the month of Elul, under the influence of Virgo, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of a new season, marked by the Equinox. This is a deeply feminine time of the year, a sacred moment when the Shekhinah descends to dwell more fully in the material world. The Shekhinah’s descent is a call to heal, to be reborn, and to awaken the light within the inner cave of our soul. This is a cycle of renewal and reawakening, where we are invited to align more fully with our divine essence.

The mystics of the desert recognized this sacred descent as a divine blessing. The Shekhinah’s presence was palpable, and her nearness called for deep reverence. During this time of the year, the desert mystics would use the sacred oil of Myrtle in ceremony, ritual, and healing. Myrtle is associated with purification and spiritual clarity, symbolizing the divine feminine energy that awakens during this time. It carries the frequency of renewal and was believed to enhance the connection to the Shekhinah as she made her descent to be near the earth and her people.

The use of Myrtle essential oil in rituals of anointing was profound,  carrying the essence of Shekhinah, embodying the purity, grace, and sacred feminine presence. Myrtle was not only a healing oil for the body but also an oil of spiritual purification, used to open the heart and prepare the soul for divine encounters. Its sweet fragrance was believed to uplift the spirit, clearing away the burdens of the past and making way for the divine presence to enter.

As this month of Elul – Virgo represents the Bridal Chamber, Myrtle represents the holiness of love, a love that purifies and sanctifies the beloved. Myrtle is a symbol of the new life that emerges when 2 beings come together, the Holy Spirit igniting the heart of each person who receives the anointing. Through this act, the Rucha d´koodsha flows, renewing and transforming both the anointer and the anointed.

Biblical References to Myrtle

Myrtle is mentioned in the books of Isaiah, Nehemiah, and Zechariah, often in the context of restoration, peace, and divine presence:

Isaiah 55:13“Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.”

Here, myrtle symbolizes blessing, renewal, and divine favor, replacing thorny plants and representing a transition to peace and abundance.

Nehemiah 8:15 – Myrtle branches were used in the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), symbolizing joy, renewal, and peace during the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness.

Zechariah 1:8-11 – In Zechariah’s vision, myrtle trees are associated with angelic messengers.

Ritual of Descent into the Soul Essence with Myrtle

This ritual guides you into the depths of your soul essence, using the sacred oil of Myrtle to facilitate the descent into the soul and reconnect with your divine purpose, healing what needs to be healed, awakening what needs to be remembered.  As you descend into your inner cave of wisdom, Myrtle helps to purify, center, and open you to the divine. You will receive message and your intuition will be enhanced.


  1. Sacred Space: Create a sacred space where you can perform this ritual undisturbed. Light candles and perhaps place items on an altar that represent the feminine divine (like a rose, a statue of Mary Magdalene, or symbols of the Shekhinah). Play gentle, meditative music, or sit in silence to set the tone. You can also chant to raise the vibration.
  2. Anointing Oil:Use Myrtle essential oil for the anointing. If you wish, blend it with a carrier oil like olive oil. Hold the oil in your hands and bless it with the intention of purification, awakening, and connection to your soul essence.
  3. Mindful Breath: Begin by centering yourself with deep breathing. Inhale deeply, feeling the breath entering your body, and exhale, letting go of tension and distractions. Visualize each breath as the Rucha D´koodsha (the Holy Spirit) moving through you, preparing you to descend into the inner chambers of your soul.

Ritual Steps

1. Invocation of the Shekhinah:

Start by calling in the Shekhinah, the divine feminine presence, to guide you in this descent.

Say aloud: “Shekhinah, Divine Feminine, come into this space. I invite your sacred presence to guide me as I descend into the essence of my soul. May your light lead me through the shadows and into my truth.”

2. Anointing with Myrtle:

Anoint your third eye, heart, and palms with the Myrtle oil.

As you anoint, recite: “With this sacred oil, I open the pathways of my soul. I invite clarity, love, and divine wisdom to guide my journey within.”

3. Descent Meditation:

Sit or lie down comfortably, allowing your eyes to close as you descend into a deep meditation.

Visualize yourself entering a cave—this is your inner sanctuary, the place where your soul essence resides. The cave is illuminated softly, showing symbols of your past, your inner truth, and divine purpose.

As you move deeper into this space, feel the presence of Myrtle surrounding you, purifying and preparing you for the revelations of your soul.

If you sense resistance or fear, breathe into it, and with each exhale, release what no longer serves you.

4. Soul Reflection:

As you sit in the cave, listen to the whispers of your soul. These are the longings and truths you may have ignored or suppressed.

Ask yourself: “What does my soul long for? What is my deepest truth?” Allow the answers to rise from the stillness within.

Reflect on any emotions or insights that arise. Do not judge them; simply observe and acknowledge them.

5. The Activation:

After sitting in the stillness of the cave, bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the Myrtle’s energy cleansing your heart and mind.

Place your hands over your heart and repeat: “I honor the sacred whispers of my heart. I awaken to the truth of my being. I am whole, I am love, I am divine.”

Closing the Ritual

  1. Gratitude:Give thanks to the Shekhinah and the divine forces that guided you. Say: “Thank you, Shekhinah, for walking with me in this descent. Thank you for illuminating my path and helping me see my soul’s truth.”
  2. Grounding: Take a few deep breaths and ground yourself back into your physical body by imagining roots growing from your feet into the earth. You can also drum or practice intentional dance movement. Feel the energy of the earth supporting and nurturing you as you prepare to return to your day.
  3. Reflection: After the ritual, spend time journaling about your experience. Write down any insights, emotions, or soul messages that came through during your descent. This reflection helps to integrate the wisdom you received.

Ongoing Practice

You may continue using Myrtle oil as a daily anointing practice to strengthen your connection to your soul essence.

Repeat the Aramaic mantra “Kadosh” as you anoint yourself to sanctify each moment as holy.

Integrate this ritual as part of your spiritual practice, especially during times of transition or self-reflection.

Join me and our Community in our monthly online Magdalene Shabbat this Friday, the 27th of September. We will celebrate Mother Anna and the Violet Flame. CLICK HERE to register.

Registration is open for the Mother Anna Violet Flame Healing Training. Gratitude for all of you who have joined so far. CLICK HERE to register and to read more information about this course.

The Kabbalistic Astrology Workshop: Lunar Soul Codes is on October 1st. CLICK HERE for more information and to register.

There are a few spaces left for our Magdalene Tree of Life Retreat in Spain December 1st until December 4th. CLICK HERE to read more information.

I am wishing all of you a beautiful day. Thank you for your presence in this Community.


Ana Otero

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