Prayer for Peace

Prayer for Peace
Shabbat Message
Beloved Divine, Holy Presence, Shekhinah, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and all beings of Light, we come before you with hearts open wide, seeking your guidance, your healing, and your love in these times of great upheaval and division. We bow to the sacredness of this moment, knowing that in the midst of chaos, there is always the seed of renewal, the promise of transformation.
We pray for the Earth, our sacred home, as she is suffering in this moment with the wounds of war and division. We ask for her healing, that her lands, waters, and skies may once again be nourished with peace, love, and respect. May we, her children, awaken to the deep truth that we are one with her and that her heartbeat is our heartbeat. Let us walk gently upon her, honoring her sacredness, and caring for her as she has cared for us.
We pray for humanity, for every soul, for every nation, and every land. May we remember that beyond the differences that seem to divide us, we are one family. May the veils of hatred, anger, and fear dissolve in the Light of Divine Love. May hearts soften, and may we see the Divine spark in one another.
In this time of war and division, may the energy of compassion rise within us. May we be the vessels of peace, extending our hands to those who suffer and who are lost. May we become the bridges that mend the brokenness, the healers that restore unity where there is separation.
We call upon the Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine Presence, to wrap her wings around all those in pain, to pour her balm of healing into every conflict, every wound. May she soothe the hearts of those who lead, guiding them to act from wisdom and love. May the Light of the Magdalene, who knew the path of suffering and resurrection, awaken in every soul the memory of our true essence—one of love, unity, and sacred purpose.
And as we move through this challenging time, may we remember that every step toward healing is a sacred act of service to the Divine Plan. May our prayers, actions, and intentions weave together to birth a new Earth, where love reigns, and peace is the natural state.
We are the ones who can heal, and we are the ones who can create. Let us rise, hand in hand, heart to heart, and create a world of love, unity, and peace for all beings.
Ahava, Shalom, So it is.
I am wishing all of you a blessed Shabbat day.
Mother Anna Violet Flame Healing Training is a powerful experience, so needed in these time. Gratitude for all of you who will be part of this journey. If you would like to join us, CLICK HERE for more information.
Ana Otero

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