Novena St Teresa of Avila. Day 3

Ahava and Blessings Today we celebrate day 3 of our Novena to St Teresa of Ávila as a powerful prayer of seeding in this New Moon in Libra. This is also a Venus Gate at 3 degrees Sagittarius that opens up the brow chakra, the Gate of Perception. In Day 2 I mentioned that St. Teresa of Ávila called her prayer HOLY INTOXICATION. Mary Magdalene teaches us the word SHELA for prayers and teaches us that prayer can take on the form that we choose. SHELA actually means to cover oneself, the word tells us to go within. Many times St. Teresa of Ávila would often reflect (REFLECTIVE PRAYER) on certain experiences that she lived. Everything was a teaching and in humility the teaching could always be received. Day 3 of Novena Say out loud: St. Teresa, I ask that you open the doors to the interior castle of my heart so I too may begin the journey into the power of prayer. I ask that you grant me this gift. Make me a channel of Creativity and Inspiration. Read the following written by St. Teresa of Ávila. Please note that GOD as she calls the Divine has no Gender, I am just being faithful to the translation. You should run a thousand miles from such expressions as: “I was right”; “They had no reason to do this to me”; “The one who did this to me was wrong.”
God deliver us from this poor way of reasoning.
Does it seem to be right that our good Jesus suffered so many insults and was made to undergo such injustice? — Teresa of Avila, “The Way of Perfection,” from The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila
St Teresa was summoned by many Noble Women and Men who would send their Great Carriages over to the convent so she would spend the day teaching them, sometimes they would invite her to fancy dinners, as she was a very important intellectual. One evening, as she arrived at the Convent, a priest who was totally against her, HER ORDER, and everything she symbolized insulted her as she was getting out of the fancy carriage. A lot of the things he said were false and the nuns were scandalized. Yet St Teresa of Ávila said: He has said one truth and he has seen a fault in me. Tomorrow bring me a mule and I will have my dinner and share my teachings with those who cannot send a carriage over.
On this third day of our Novena let us reflect upon those words or projections that others have made on us and that have really bothered us. I am not one to believe that all projections are actually given to us by someone who is acting as a mirror, I think this is a lot more profound, yet I do believe that when something really triggers us there is a truth within the words and experience that needs to be dealt with. St Teresa didn´t think it was wrong to dine and teach Noble Men and Women. Through the words of the Priest who insulted her, she realized she needed to be more pro active into getting places on her own to teach those who couldn´t facilitate her travels.
When you are finished reflecting, chant and do the Movement Prayer in the video included below.