Mother Mary´s First Apparition

Mother Mary´s First Apparition


On August 15th we experienced once again the Feast Day of the Assumption of Mother Mary. I felt the energy of this portal more profoundly than ever before. It was as if the very essence of Mother Mary was drawing us into a deeper understanding of her divine presence, a connection that even transcends our understanding of the Divine Feminine . This sacred day brought me back to the origins of her first apparition, which took place in Zaragoza, Spain, in A.D. 40—a moment that forever changed the course of Christian history.


Our Lady of Pilar, known in Spanish as Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza, is the first Marian apparition in Christianity, and uniquely, it occurred while the Virgin Mary was still alive. Though technically a bilocation—since Mary was residing with the Apostle John in Jerusalem—it is celebrated as an apparition within the Church’s tradition. Bilocation is the phenomenon where one appears to be in two distinct places simultaneously. It is often associated with mystical and spiritual experiences, where a person is seen or felt in one location while also being present in another, either physically or in spirit. Bilocation, a phenomenon well-known in the teachings of Hebrew Mysticism (Hebrew Mysticism was later named Kabbalah), was mastered by many mystics, including the great Spanish Kabbalist Abulafia, who even taught his students this Mystical Duplication.




Saint James the Greater, the brother of Saint John the Evangelist, embarked on a journey to Roman Hispania (modern-day Spain) to spread the teachings of the Gospel. Faced with immense challenges and discouragement, he found himself at his lowest point by the banks of the Ebro River in Zaragoza, then known as Caesaraugusta. It was here, in A.D. 40, that Mother Mary, accompanied by a host of angels, appeared to him in a vision of divine splendor, holding the infant Yeshua in her arms and standing upon a pillar of light. She consoled him in his despair and asked that he and his disciples build a church on that very site, promising that it would stand until the end of time as an anchoring point for miracles and wonders through her intercession. She promised her presence to all who came to be in devotion to her on these Sacred Lands.


The Church of Our Lady of Pilar in Zaragoza, thus became the first church ever dedicated to Mother Mary. It has withstood the ravages of time, surviving invasions and wars, keeping the promise she made to Saint James. In the Spanish civil war, three bombs it the church and they did not explode. Yes, this space is absolutely protected and sacred.

The small wooden statue, which Mother Mary gave to Saint James, now rests upon the very pillar she stood on.


This wooden statue, though modest in its simplicity, stands at a height of 15 inches on a jasper pillar that rises 5.9 feet tall. The crown that adorns her head was created with ultimate devotion and intention.  In 44 days, 33 artisans crafted this sun-like crown, embedding it with diamonds,  roses,  pearls,  emeralds,  rubies, and  sapphires. The crown of the infant Yeshua mirrors the same shape, though it is smaller in size.


The Crown’s Mystical Significance


Each gem on this crown carries profound mystical significance:


Diamonds: Representing purity and invincibility, diamonds symbolize the indestructible nature of divine love. Their triangular cut reflects the Holy Trinity. In Hebrew mysticism and Kabbalah, diamonds are symbols of clarity, purity, and spiritual illumination. They are seen as the most refined expression of light in the physical world, representing the highest form of divine light or Ohr Ein Sof (the Infinite Light). This light is the source of all creation and the essence of Alaha.


Roses: Symbolizing Mother Mary´s  role as the Rosa Mystica. Mary, as the Rosa Mystica, is seen as the vessel through which the ultimate divine mystery—Christ, the source of salvation—entered the world. This role positions Mary not only as the mother of Yeshua but also as the archetypal figure of the Divine Feminine, through whom the mysteries of God are revealed and made manifest. 


The “mystical” aspect of the rose highlights the hidden, esoteric wisdom that the Divine Feminine carries. Just as Mary bore Christ, who is the divine mystery of salvation, the Divine Feminine within each of us bears the potential to birth spiritual insights, transformation, and divine love into the world. This birthing process is not only a physical one but also a deeply spiritual and mystical act, wherein we bring forth the hidden aspects of the divine that reside within us.


Pearls: These gems stand for wisdom, the moon and the ocean, and the immaculate purity of Mary’s heart. Pearls are  associated with the hidden light, the Ohr HaGanuz, which is the light of divine wisdom that was hidden away after creation, meant to be revealed to the righteous in the Messianic age. Pearls, as hidden treasures, symbolize this concealed wisdom.


Just as the moon waxes and wanes, pearls too grow gradually, symbolizing the phases of spiritual development and the cyclical nature of life.


The connection of pearls with water , symbolizes hidden wisdom that emerges from the depths of the unconscious or the divine waters of creation.


Emeralds: Signifying rebirth and the eternal spring of the soul, emeralds represent Mary’s role as the mother of all life. The emerald is associated with the energy of healing and growth. The lush green color of the emerald symbolizes life, renewal, and the flourishing of the soul in alignment with divine will. Emeralds support emotional healing and the restoration of balance within the body and spirit. 


The emerald is a stone of insight, helping to open the heart and mind to deeper spiritual truths.


Rubies: Representing the fire of divine love and the blood of Christ, rubies remind us of the ultimate sacrifice and the passion of the divine. The deep red color of rubies is  linked to the sefirah of Gevurah (strength, judgment) on the Tree of Life. Gevurah represents the aspects of discipline, strength, and boundaries, which are necessary for creating structure and order. Rubies embody the fiery energy of Gevurah, symbolizing passion, courage, and the power of righteous judgment.


Rubies are also associated with material abundance and prosperity. This connection is tied to the stone’s vibrancy and that it attracts wealth and success. The ruby’s ability to bring energy and vitality is seen as a means to manifest abundance in the material world, making it a stone of both spiritual and physical wealth.


Rubies are connected to the heart and blood, symbolizing life force, vitality, and emotional depth. The heart is the center of divine connection and love, and rubies, with their blood-red hue, are stones that energize and open the heart chakra. Ruby  enhances love, compassion, and emotional healing. 


Rubies are  associated with Mary Magdalene as a spiritual leader who embodies divine wisdom, passion, and transformation. The stone’s connection to abundance also reflects Mary Magdalene’s ability to bring spiritual and material blessings to those who seek her guidance.


Rubies represent the alchemical process of divine union—the merging of masculine and feminine energies within the soul. This is reflective of Mary Magdalene’s teachings on sacred union, where the ruby symbolizes the heart’s passion and the transformative power of love. 


The Shekhinah (the divine feminine presence of God) is symbolized by rubies. The Shekhinah is associated with the lower sefirah of Malkhut (kingdom), which governs the material world and earthly abundance. Rubies, in this context, represent the Shekhinah’s ability to manifest divine blessings in the physical realm, offering protection, love, and prosperity to those who are connected to her.


Sapphires: Symbolizing the heavens and the divine realm, sapphires affirm Mary’s position as Queen of Heaven. In the kabbalistic tradition, sapphires are stones that dwell in the higher dimensions of Chochmah, Binah and Keter. (on the Tree of Life). 


Just as the sapphire is a stone of the highest celestial realms, so too is Mary venerated as the highest queen, clothed in divine wisdom, understanding, and the eternal crown of glory. Her association with the sapphire is a symbol of her purity, her profound wisdom, and her intimate connection with the divine will.


The Shekhinah is the divine feminine presence,  associated with the lower sefirah of Malkhut (Kingdom) but also with the upper sefirot in her exalted state. The sapphire, representing the Shekhinah’s presence in the upper dimensions of the Tree of Life, signifies Mary’s role as the embodiment of divine wisdom and the nurturing force of divine understanding. The sapphire is also seen as a protective stone, safeguarding from harm and evil influences. This aspect mirrors Mary’s role as the protector and intercessor for humanity, shielding her children with her maternal care and guiding us towards the light of divine truth.


Together, these gems not only adorn the statue but also are activations and transmissions of Mary’s divine mission and her presence in the celestial realms and on Earth. The jasper pillar, on which the statue stands, is a symbol of strength and stability, anchoring the divine presence of Mary in the physical world while also serving as a spiritual axis connecting heaven and earth.

Mother Mary’s journey, from her earthly existence to her heavenly assumption, mirrors our own spiritual path—a journey of faith, resilience, and  trust in the divine.


As we light the candles of our own spiritual devotion, let us remember that we too are called to build our inner temples, places where the divine can dwell and where miracles can unfold.


In the embrace of Mary, the Queen of Heaven, we find our own path illuminated, guiding us ever closer to the eternal light.


Blessed Be Our Lady of Pilar, the Pillar of Faith, and the Guardian of Our Souls.


For those of you who want to dive deep into a devotional practice dedicated to Mary, I have included the Hail Mary Celestial Movement Meditation.


The Mysteries of the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary is a beautiful self paced course you can do at any moment and honors all of the Mysteries of the Rosary, and Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. CLICK HERE for more information.



Ana Otero

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