Mother Mary Channeling. Mastery

TODAY I come to you to bring into your awareness that salvation as you have understood it will not bring you into the ascension process. Your unconscious projection that someone outside of you is going to save you needs to be liberated. You are the only person responsible for your own ascension and collectively for this planet´s ascension. No one can save you. I can´t save you. I am here to guide you and as sovereign queen of the heavens I am protecting you and I come to you when you reach out to me. You can no longer stay in lethargy, expecting to receive ascension. This is actually you wanting to take and take because you believe that on some level you deserve your evolution.
Ascension is a process of mastery. All of your guides and teachers in the different realms and the physical ones in your life time have been chosen by you for your guidance and awakening, but the work is ultimately yours to do.
Today I, as Mary, Mother of Yeshua and Sovereign, ask you to devote yourself in prayer, devotion and ritual to the Divine Mother. As you pray for the Divine Feminine Awakening to come to the grand fruition, your heart will be the 13 petalled rose that I have come to activate in your hearts and on the planet..
Walk in the footsteps of your sovereignty and know that the decision is yours to make. With the faith the two roads you see ahead of you will turn to one. Salvation is a deliverance, it is a setting free of all that binds you to your fears, social programming and human experiences. Salvate yourself, deliver yourself from these karmic bonds and be who you are destined to be as a Divine Human and who you really are as DIVINE SPIRIT.
May we be guided infinitely by the Magdalene Flame.
Ana Otero