Mother Anna: Jerusalem to Avalon

Mother Anna: Jerusalem to Avalon

Seeding the the 13 Petalled Rose

Mother Anna, grandmother of Yeshua and mother of Mother Mary, carried out a very important role in grounding the sacred codes of Jerusalem into the heart of Glastonbury, revealing how the Shekhinah—the Divine Feminine Presence—flowed through Mother Anna, creating a sacred link between the Holy Land and the ancient Isle of Avalon.

It is believed by many mystics and through oral tradition that Mother Anna, after her time in the Holy Land, traveled to Glastonbury, carrying with her the sacred codes of Jerusalem. In doing so, she anchored the divine blueprint of the Holy Land into this sacred isle. The codes she brought from Jerusalem were not just symbolic; they were the energetic frequencies that would activate the land, connecting Glastonbury with the sacred energy of Creation itself. This act of grounding these sacred codes allowed Glastonbury to become a spiritual center for those on the path of embodying the Divine Feminine Presence.

In the month of Virgo-  Elul, the 13-Petalled Rose, also know as the Mystical Rose of Splendor, is activated in the ethers, a time when the sacred frequencies of Creation can be embodied by those who are open to receiving them. Mother Anna, as a vessel of this divine energy, was a grounding force for these activations, and her presence in Glastonbury activated these ancient codes within the land. The 13-Petalled Rose aligns with the energy of Jerusalem and Glastonbury during this sacred time, creating a portal through which the Divine Feminine can flow into the Earth.

The sacred connection between Jerusalem and Glastonbury is  an energetic alignment on the Earth’s spiritual grid. Mystics and scholars of the esoteric traditions have long known that certain places on Earth hold the energy of divine power, and these locations are connected through ley lines and energetic portals. Jerusalem, as the spiritual heart of the Abrahamic traditions, holds the codes of prophecy, divine union, and sacred kingship. Glastonbury, with its mystical Druidic past and its connection to the Lady of Avalon, an embodiment and expression of the Shekhinah, serves as a mirror, reflecting those same energies but in the feminine aspect.

Mother Anna’s journey between these two sacred lands symbolizes the weaving of the divine masculine and feminine into one harmonious whole. By grounding the sacred codes of Jerusalem in Glastonbury, she created a spiritual bridge between the East and the West, a connection that still vibrates in the ethers today. Those who walk the land in Glastonbury can feel this connection, the sacred energy of Jerusalem pulsing through the earth beneath their feet.

The work that Mother Anna began in Jerusalem and completed in Glastonbury is an invitation for each of us to embody the codes of Creation. By connecting with the energy of the Shekhinah and the 13-Petalled Rose, we can anchor the Divine Feminine within ourselves and within the Earth. This is a sacred calling, a journey of aligning with the frequencies of divine wisdom and creation, just as Mother Anna did before us.

If you are a pilgrim on the path of the Magdalene, know that the sacred codes of Jerusalem and Glastonbury are alive within you, and the codes of so many other sacred lands activated by the Christ lineage. Montserrat is also an anchoring of Jerusalem through the presence of Mary Magdalene.Mary Magdalene continued the sacred work that Mother Anna began, embodying the wisdom of the Shekhinah and the sacred mysteries of the 13-Petalled Rose in the area of Montserrat, also an energetic portal whose ley lines connect directly with Jerusalem and Glastonbury. Mary Magdalene’s role in the second coming of the Messianic Age is the unfolding of these divine codes, inviting those who feel the call to step into the frequency of the Shekhinah.

The energy that Mother Anna grounded is not only in the land, but also in the hearts of those of us who are open to receiving it. Through devotion, sacred practice, and an open heart, we too can become vessels for these divine frequencies, continuing the sacred work of grounding the Holy in the world.

Jerusalem – YERUSHALEM: This is the Dimension of the Divine Union Template.

Let us all be pilgrims on the path that will lead us to Yerushalem.

To align with these Sacred Teachings, Activations and Technology, I will be facilitating the following courses:

Mary Magdalene and the 13 Petalled Rose online immersion. We start on Monday, September 16th. Everyday for 13 days, as of 6 am CET you will receive the transmissions and activations for the specific Petal we will be working with on that day. CLICK HERE to register and for more information.

Mother Anna and the Violet Flame Healing online training retreat. For those of you who want to embody the healing Frequencies of Mother Anna and share these Teachings and be a Mother Anna Violet Flame Practitioner, this training journey will anchor within you the Violet Flame. CLCK HERE for more information and to register.

Our monthly online Magdalene Shabbat for September will be September 27th. We will receive Mother Anna´s Violet Flame as we celebrate Mary Magdalene as the Queen of Shabbat. CLICK HERE to register.

For those of you who love to pray through Sacred Dance and Drumming, I facilitate monthly Gatherings of Ahava Sacred Dance, Drumming, and Soul Voice Awakening. These are powerful gatherings of embodiment and Rhythmic Light Creation.

The Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training starts January 2025! Early registration starts in October.



Ana Otero

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