Mary Magdalene Message: Life and Purpose

Mary Magdalene Message: Life and Purpose

Mary Magdalene Message

You are here to create Heaven on Earth. You already know the Divine plan, for all the details lie within you. You were the one who laid out the original blueprints of your life and purpose. You have simply forgotten that you are Divinity in human form, a sacred vessel of love and light.

Within you resides an infinite well of wisdom and love. It is time to get in touch with that deep space within and nurture it. Feed this sacred inner space with your dreams, your aspirations, and your divine essence. This is where your true power lies—in the depths of your soul, where the Divine plan was first conceived.

You are here to manifest the divine blueprint that lies within you. Every thought, every action, every breath you take is part of this sacred creation. Trust in yourself, trust in the divine wisdom that flows through you. You are a co-creator with the Divine, a channel for bringing forth the light and love that will transform and awaken you to your true soul expression.

You are Divinity in human form yearning for healing, unity and love. The world needs your unique gifts, your love, and your light.

You are here to create a new reality, one that reflects the divine beauty and perfection of your soul.Take time to connect with the Divine within you, to listen to the whispers of Alaha that are deep within your heart. This is where you will find the guidance and strength you need to fulfill your divine mission.

Trust, have faith, surrender your doubt and fears, and know that every step you take towards your truth brings you closer to the realization of your highest potential, which is to completely BE. 

You are a work of art created by the hands of the Divine. Embrace your beauty, your strength, and your wisdom. Allow yourself to be the vessel through which Heaven is brought to Earth.

Mary Magdalene

Channeled by Ana Otero

I want to thank this moment to honor and show my gratitude to each and every one of you in this Community.

As the sun returns to the point where it began on the day of my birth, I call on the rhythm of the Cosmic Intelligence pulsating through me, echoing the exact moment I took my first breath on this precious Earth.

Today, I honor my incarnation – the unique blending of stardust and earth, spirit and form. I celebrate my journey from the unseen to the seen, from the cosmic womb into the arms of the world. With each heartbeat, I offer a silent hymn of gratitude for the miracle that is life.

I dance now, not just with my feet but with my entire being, whirling in the ecstasy of being alive. My movements are a prayer of infinite gratitude for my life, an ever-unfolding mystery, a beautiful tapestry woven from countless experiences, with richly hued threads of sorrow and joy, love and loss, pain and healing.

I welcome this new cycle with open arms, ready to embrace the unfolding chapters of my Earthly journey. I give thanks for the lessons learned, the love shared, and the infinite possibilities that await. As I step into the dance of another solar return, I am cradled in the loving arms of Divine Mother.

Thank you for your presence🌹

Today is Day 3 of Black Madonna Montserrat – Magdalene Consciousness Novena. Each day gets deeper and more clarity is birthed.

Image from the Desert Rose Oracle Cards.


Ana Otero

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