Life is Calling you to Create

Creative Energy moves infinitely through all of us. At times we may feel that it is difficult to take action, to bring something through us, to actually listen to life´s calling in this present moment. The thing is, once we realize that this creative energy is the Eternal One wanting to manifest through us, our doubt, insecurity, sometimes even laziness, cannot get in the way.
Life is calling you to create, manifest, express, that which will serve others as well as ourselves. Visualize it, feel it, take action.
In Aramaic it is written in the book of John:
Ruha atar d’sabya nashba wa qalah shama ant ela la yada ant aymeka atya wa layka azal
Literal Translation, Please keep in mind that the literal translation speaks in Spiritual Metaphor:
The Spirit – Breath, the place from which we long to drink, is poured out and calls, hear, you who have reached it, know that your mother comes and for you, she leaves.
Meaning Translation: The Spirit – Breath moves infinitely, obeying the impulses of the longing to fulfill. Without a doubt, you know they exist when you hear their voice. But you cannot hold them in your hand, grasp and understand how they come together, move apart, rise, and fall . Wisdom comes when you are ready, and she leaves when you exile her.
This is how creative energy moves. We can feel her, and when we do not listen to her calling because our mind gets in the way, we again believe that we are separate from the Eternal One.
Creative space is formless. We do not know it with the mind, it is a living mystery, it is hidden from us yet it is the source of all life. It is INFINITY, or the nothingness before life exists. To be in this space is to be with the forces of creation beyond and within everything we can see and know.
To be created in the image of the Eternal One, Alaha, does not mean that we are an actual image – picture of the Eternal One.
We are the living breath and consciousness of CREATION. This is our essence.
One of Yeshua´s great teachings was to find our own Rhythm. What Yeshua means by finding our own Rhythm is understanding that our Soul moves differently than the mind and even what we may think we are feeling and processing. The Soul moves in the Rhythm of Creative Energy, in this Creative Space. To be in Rhythm is to allow the Soul to move, expand and contract, with the Dance of Creation. When we finally are in the Rhythm, we are one with the Cosmic Intelligence.
Our 9 Day Devotional Journey: Myriam´s Well Novena, is our first Novena at The Desert Rose Mystery School in 2024. This 9 Day journey delivers many teachings and activations, and one strong frequency is CREATION – MANIFESTATION – BIRTH. To read more about this Novena and to register CLICK HERE.
As part of my Commitment to the teachings of the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary, I have created a lovely course: Mysteries of the Magdalene Rosary. Part of my daily practice is the Body Prayer of the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary which I have been doing daily since 2017. It is a potent practice that awakens the SHIN, the Aramaic – Hebrew Letter that represents the active fire of Shekhinah. Again, Creation, an amazing practice to expand our creativity, strengthen our faith and be in Devotion. CLICK HERE for more information.
There are 2 spaces left for the Magdalene Avalon Retreat in April. My heart is filled with gratitude with this retreat, as I feel that the teachings and the group are already there, in another dimension, preparing the sacred land. This retreat also represents an anchoring in the new expression of my work and also a new venue and many other surprises. CLICK HERE for more information.
Many of you have asked if I could re-open access to the Kabbalistic Astrology Introductory Workshop so as to watch the replay. I have opened access only for today, 24 hours, and then it will close. CLICK HERE.
Sending so much love to all of you. Have a radiant day.
Ana Otero