Happy New 2021 Cycle

The end of 2020 gives us a moment of pause. A pause to release the pain, death, uncertainty and stability that we once had. This moment of pause is also the act of gratitude that we bring on this New Years Eve as we know that we are now spiritually maturing. We leave behind a powerful initiation into our dark night of the soul as a humanity and as we feel stronger and more prepared, we know that we can fix this together. Let us rise from the ashes and become the glorious warriors of light that birth together consciously the world we want to live in as a Unified Humanity.
2021 is an invitation to explore, grow,become emotionally resilient and do things differently. We need to do this collectively as Uranus is guiding us to unify, but the best place to start is individually. To do things differently we first need to look at our habits, which are ruled by the Moon.
As we enter this new cycle know that we are being poured the blessings of the Divine Mother as we embrace the energies of the Full Moon in Cancer that we experienced on the 30th of December, just yesterday. We can make one commitment today with this moon energy and it is to Commit to Love. Commit to loving ourselves and Mothering ourselves so we can fully grow up as Humans and deliver this LOVE to all.
May our footsteps into this 2021 be humble and filled with service and love. May we learn to see ourselves through the eyes of all and may our hands create what we are destined to create as children of the Divine Mother – Father.
I bless your feet in reverance. I thank your presence with devotion. I honor your being with profound gratitude.
Happy End of the 2020 Cycle Happy New Year and the beginning of 2021 Cycle Ahava