Full Moon Pisces and Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon in Pisces and Lunar Eclipse

The Blueprint of the Soul

In the mystical traditions, Eclipses are moments of deep karmic rebalancing , times when the veil between the worlds thins and we are invited to step into a higher octave of consciousness. The lunar eclipse in Pisces brings with it a potent energy of transformation and soul purification. The Moon represents Malchut, the physical world and the vessel that receives the divine light from the higher realms. When the Moon is eclipsed, this flow is momentarily interrupted, inviting us to turn inward and confront the shadow aspects of our soul.

During the eclipse, the light of the Full Moon—symbolizing consciousness and illumination—is obscured, revealing the hidden aspects of our psyche that we often shy away from. In this space of shadow, we are invited to confront our illusions, fears, and emotional patterns that keep us disconnected from the Divine. The eclipse, in its essence, is a time of tikkun—a rectification and healing process—where we can release the karmic weight we carry and elevate our consciousness.

In the context of Pisces, this eclipse is deeply mystical, calling us to cleanse the emotional and spiritual debris we have accumulated. It is an invitation to dive into the ocean of the soul, to release what no longer serves, and to emerge renewed, in alignment with the divine flow. Just as the eclipse reveals the shadow, it also offers us the opportunity for rebirth—a chance to release the past and step fully into the light of our soul’s purpose.

Water is intimately connected to the Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine presence that resides in Malchut, the material world. The waters of Pisces carry the sacred essence of the Shekhinah, inviting us to reconnect with the Divine Feminine within ourselves and in the world. This Full Moon and eclipse are moments to embrace the nurturing, intuitive, and healing aspects of the Shekhinah and to allow her presence to guide us through the waters of transformation.

The Shekhinah is  the divine vessel through which the light of the higher realms flows into our lives. During the lunar eclipse, the light of the Shekhinah is momentarily hidden, symbolizing the periods of spiritual darkness we must navigate. Yet, in this darkness, there is profound potential for healing, as the Shekhinah holds the key to our emotional and spiritual liberation. The waters of Pisces reflect the Shekhinah’s ability to cleanse, heal, and transform, guiding us back to unity with the Divine.

As we align with the energy of the Full Moon in Pisces and the lunar eclipse, we are invited to reconnect with the divine blueprint of our soul. This blueprint, often described as the 13-Petalled Rose in Hebrew Mysticism, is the map of our soul’s purpose, the unique divine codes we carry within us. In Pisces, this blueprint is illuminated, offering us a glimpse into the highest expression of our soul’s journey.

The lunar eclipse magnifies this energy, inviting us to release any patterns or beliefs that are preventing us from fully embodying our divine blueprint. It is a moment of deep surrender, where we are called to let go of the ego’s need for control and trust in the unfolding of the divine plan. In this month of Elul – Virgo  the petals of the 13-Petalled Rose are revealed through the Ethers, each one a symbol of the divine qualities we are here to embody and express.

The energy of Pisces, with its connection to the cosmic waters of divine consciousness, reminds us that our soul’s journey is not linear but cyclical, much like the flow of the tides. This Full Moon and eclipse offer us the opportunity to align with the natural rhythms of the Cosmic Intelligence, to trust in the process of spiritual evolution, and to surrender to the higher wisdom that guides our path.

To fully embrace the energy of this Full Moon in Pisces and lunar eclipse, I encourage you to create a sacred space for reflection and ritual. As Pisces governs the spiritual realms, this is a time to connect deeply with your soul through meditation, journaling, or sacred chanting.

  1. Chant the mantra “Gishra d’nashamta” (Aramaic)—”Bridge of the Soul”—to invoke the presence of the Shekhinah and to strengthen the connection between your soul and the divine realms.
  2. Immerse yourself in water, either through a ritual bath or a visit to a natural body of water. As you enter the water, visualize yourself being cleansed of old emotional patterns and karmic debris, allowing the waters of Pisces to renew your soul. There is a Mikveh ritual below.

As the light of the Moon is momentarily hidden, we are invited to journey inward, to connect with the hidden realms of our soul, and to emerge renewed and aligned with the divine flow.

“All that is composed shall be decomposed; everything returns to its roots. The essence of matter dissolves in its own nature.”
(Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Chapter 4)

This passage speaks to the cyclical nature of existence, resonating with the mystical teachings of the Full Moon in Pisces and the lunar eclipse. It reminds us that everything in life, including our emotions, attachments, and karmic patterns, must eventually return to its source. This echoes the process of spiritual transformation we undergo during this celestial event—releasing what no longer serves and returning to the divine essence of our soul.

In the context of the Shekhinah and the Divine Feminine, this quote invites us to trust the natural rhythms of life, to surrender to the dissolving of ego-driven attachments, and to embrace the deeper truths of our soul, as we return to our divine origins.

May this Full Moon and eclipse bless us with deep healing, spiritual clarity, and the courage to surrender to the unfolding of our soul’s divine blueprint.

We are currently navigating the Mary Magdalene and the 13 Petalled Rose Online Journey. It is Day 2 and the activations have already shifted so much. I am in deep gratitude to all in this Sacred Space.

Mother Anna and the Violet Flame Healing Training has a discount price until September 22nd. CLICK HERE to register and for more information.

Join us for the Equinox Community Gathering. CLICK HERE TO JOIN.

Mystical Mikveh Ritual Bath Using Essential Oils, Salts, and the Power of Three Immersions

The mikveh is a sacred purification ritual, a powerful immersion into the waters that cleanse not only the physical body but the emotional and spiritual layers of our being. In this mystical mikveh, we will be working with the sacred energies of essential oils, salts, and the power of an Aramaic mantra, activating the soul’s purification through the Divine Feminine presence of the Shekhinah.

Preparation of the Ritual Bath

  • Essential Oils:
    • Rose of Sharon (10 drops) for the Holy Spirit and Divine Presence.
    • Myrrh (10 drops) for humility and grounding, allowing you to release attachment and surrender.
    • Cassia (Cinnamon) (10 drops) to ignite your sacred mission and divine purpose.
  • Salts:
    • Use Himalayan pink salt or Dead Sea salt (1 cup) to cleanse and purify the energetic body, drawing out negative energies and toxins.
  • Sacred Space:
    • Prepare the bathroom with candlelight, symbolizing the divine light that you are inviting into your space.
    • Play soft, meditative music or sit in silence to invite inner reflection.

Step-by-Step Mikveh Ritual

  1. Filling the Bath: As you prepare the bath, sprinkle the salts into the water, allowing them to dissolve completely. Add the essential oils to the water, each one representing an aspect of the Shekhinah and your own divine journey. Gently stir the water clockwise with your hand, invoking the sacred presence of the Divine Feminine, and preparing yourself for deep purification.
  2. Intention Setting: Before entering the bath, take a moment to set your intention. You may wish to focus on purification, release, spiritual awakening, or healing. The mikveh is a sacred moment to let go of what no longer serves and to receive the divine light into your being.

The Three Immersions

Each immersion represents a layer of purification and awakening: body, mind, and soul. After each immersion, you will chant the Aramaic mantra, invoking the presence of the Shekhinah to guide your process of transformation.

First Immersion: Purification of the Body

  • Slowly immerse your entire body under the water, allowing the waters to cleanse your physical form. As you rise, visualize the release of any stagnant or negative energy from your body, the salts pulling away anything that does not belong.
  • Mantra: Shlama al nafsha (שְׁלָמָא עַל נַפְשָׁא)
    • Translation: “Peace be upon my soul.”

    As you say this mantra, invite peace and healing into your body, knowing that you are now cleansed and purified in the divine waters.

Second Immersion: Purification of the Mind

  • Immerse yourself again, this time focusing on your thoughts, your emotions, and any mental clutter that is ready to be released. As you rise, see the water clearing your mind, purifying it of doubt, fear, or confusion.
  • Mantra: Ruha d’Kudsha malkutah d’shmaiya (רוּחָא דְקֻדְשָׁא מַלְכוּתָא דִשְׁמַיָּא)
    • Translation: “Spirit of holiness, kingdom of heaven.”

    Chant this mantra, feeling the Holy Spirit entering your mind, clearing and aligning it with divine truth and higher wisdom.

Third Immersion: Purification of the Soul

  • For the final immersion, sink deeply into the water, connecting with your soul. This is the immersion of spiritual rebirth, the merging of your soul with the divine light. As you rise, visualize your soul glowing with divine radiance, fully aligned with your sacred mission and the blueprint of your higher self.
  • Mantra: Gishra d’nashamta l’Alaha (גִּשְׁרָא דְנַשְׁמְתָּא לֵאלָהָא)
    • Translation: “Bridge of the soul to the Divine.”

    As you chant this mantra, feel the connection between your soul and the Divine Source, the bridge that links you to your purpose, your calling, and the eternal presence of the Shekhinah.

Final Blessing and Reflection

After your third immersion, remain in the water for a few moments in silence. Feel the energies you have invoked, the purity of your body, mind, and soul. Allow yourself to rest in the embrace of the Divine Feminine, receiving her blessings and love.

When you are ready, step out of the bath slowly, being mindful of the sacred space you have just created. Gently dry your body, symbolizing the completion of your purification and the beginning of a new chapter of your spiritual journey.

Close the ritual with a final blessing:

“May the waters of purification cleanse my path, may the light of the Shekhinah guide me, and may my soul always be aligned with the divine will of Alaha. Ahava.”

Sending love to all of you.

Ana Otero

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