Full Moon Blessings

Full Moon Blessings

As the full moon casts her Light, I find myself in a reflective state, preparing for yet another magical journey to the sacred land of Avalon. I will be facilitating the Magdalene Avalon Retreat, a profound gathering of Souls that come together to awaken, remember, heal, and love.

Today was also filled with the reading of so many forms that I received for the Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest training 2024. The process of gathering and reviewing the applications has been a deeply touching experience.

In the midst of preparation for the retreat and reading the forms, I also prepared my Advent wreath. This powerful symbol represents the light within the darkness, a fitting parallel to the journey we are about to undertake in Avalon. The wreath, with its evergreen branches and circling shape, symbolizes eternal life and the unending love that surrounds us. I am anticipating the first lighting of the Advent candles. Every Sunday of Advent, as I have been doing for many years, I will share a video on my YouTube channel, offering a chance for everyone to join in this beautiful tradition, marking the beginning of a season of anticipation and inner reflection.

The full moon, especially in the sign of Gemini, brings with it an energy of illumination. Gemini, known for its duality, mirrors the dual nature of light and shadow. This full moon offers a unique opportunity to reveal what is often hidden — be it a gift, a shadow, a blessing, or a wisdom code.

This time is also significant as it aligns with the month of Kislev, a time traditionally associated with dreams and aspirations. Kislev, with its own energy of introspection and vision, enhances the power of the Gemini full moon, encouraging us to dive deeper into our subconscious and explore our innermost dreams and desires.

This full moon, let us all take a moment to reflect on what is being illuminated in our lives, and how we can use this awareness for our spiritual growth and journey.

Sending all of you so much love and thank you for your presence.

Reminder: There is a 15% discount for the Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training if you register in November. Just a few days left for the discount! CLICK HERE.


Ana Otero

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