August 15th Assumption of Mary

August 15th is the festival of the Assumption of Mary — the anniversary of her assumption to heaven in bodily form. Other names for this day are The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; The Assumption of Mary Into Heaven; The Dormition of the Theotokos; The Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Symbols associated with Mary are the color blue, and the lily. Before Christianity, there was a traditional Goddess festival on this same day. It was a harvest festival and associated with Isis. Isis also was associated with the color blue and with the lotus, especially the blue lotus, which is actually a water lily. This day is an ancient day of worship for the Goddess, and a day to express our gratitude for the abundance given to us by our Great Mother and the Bounty of our Mother Earth. On August 15th, at 11,00 am Madrid Time Zone, I will be facilitating a Ceremony to honor our Blessed Mary in her day of Assumption. For me this day symbolizes a very powerful message and healing, at is a day to activate the COSMIC MARY, the COSMIC VIRGIN. This Ceremony is an open event, free of cost, and donations are welcomed. Bilingual Ceremony, English and Spanish. If you want to prepare yourself energetically, you can wear white for the ceremony, a prayer shawl, and have rose essential oil. I will be working with the Cosmic Blue Rose vibration. Please register for this event. If you cannot participate in real time, the replay will be available for 24 hours after the Ceremony.
Click here to register.
May the Magdalene Flame guide you every day in every way.
Ana Otero