Assumption of Mother Mary

Assumption of Mother Mary


Mary’s Assumption is the soul’s return to the divine embrace, transcending earthly bounds into eternal light. In our journey, we too can ascend by surrendering to divine love and opening our hearts to the sacred. 

Mother Mary Message

My beloved children,

In the ever-turning cycles of time and amidst the noise of the world, it is easy to forget the profound truths that dwell deep within your being. True faith is not found merely in rituals or spoken words, but in living with the depth and purity of your own hearts. When you align yourself with this truth, you unlock the profound Divine Love of Alaha that eternally resonates within you.

You are the embodiment of Sacred Union, birthed from the immaculate essence of Mother-Father Divine. You must remember that you are one with the infinite source of all of creation.

As I journeyed on the path of Light during my earthly existence, so too can each of you. This path is ever-present before you, and your heart recognizes it as home. With every step you take, you are guided by the radiance of Divine intent, an intent that leads you back to the truth of your being.

Embrace your divine lineage, the Lineage of Light. Know that with every heartbeat and every breath, you are called to dive into the deep waters of your truth. Just as I have walked before you, know that my love and blessings are with you, illuminating each step of your earthly journey. Trust in this light, for it is the guiding star that leads you to the fulfillment of your highest purpose and the realization of your divine potential.

In the quiet moments, when the world fades and you are alone with your soul, remember that you are never truly alone. I am with you, ever present, ever guiding, ever loving. My heart beats in unison with yours, a reminder that we are eternally connected in divine love.

Your light is needed in this world, and your presence brings healing and love to all you encounter. Let your journey be one of joy, peace, and profound spiritual awakening.

Mother Mary

Channeled by Ana Otero

Ritual for today:

Light a Candle: As a symbol of Mary’s light, light a white candle. Sit quietly in front of the candle and contemplate the light it gives. Imagine this light filling your heart, illuminating all of your being.

Sacred Reading: Read a passage from the Gospel of Luke, focusing on Mary’s Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55). Reflect on Mary’s humility, her openness to God’s will, and her song of praise. Listen to the Magnificat in Aramaic which I have shared below.

Journal: Write down your thoughts and feelings about what it means to be assumed into the divine light. What parts of your life need to be lifted into greater alignment with divine love?

Gratitude Practice: End by offering gratitude for the ways in which you already experience divine love and support in your life. Acknowledge the blessings you have received and ask for the grace to continue growing in love and wisdom.

Wishing all of you a radiant day.


Ana Otero

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