Annunciation Mother Mary

Ahava and Blessings
On this day we celebrate the ArchAngel Gabriel giving Mother Mary the transmission of Light and announcing that she would give birth to Yeshua⚜️
Number 25 brings messages of good news and new beginnings. Today is a powerful day of transcendence. Let us go beyond the challenges.
Hail Mary, full of grace, chosen vessel of the Almighty, on this feast day, we celebrate the moment where human willingness met with divine purpose, giving birth to the Light of the World. Your “Yes” to Alaha´s call illuminates the path of faith, and unconditional love for all generations to follow.
We ask for your intercession, Holy Mother, that we may embody the courage and faithfulness you showed in accepting your divine mission. May your example inspire us to live our lives in service, seeking to bring love, peace, and healing to our broken world.
Blessed Virgin, Star of the Sea, guide us through the challenges of life with your wisdom. Comfort the afflicted, strengthen the weary, and intercede for all who turn to you in their need. Through your maternal grace, may we receive the blessings of faith, hope, and love.
On this day of the Annunciation, we honor you, Mary, and we rejoice in the mystery of the Incarnation. May our hearts be ever open to receive the Word made flesh.
Shlom Lekh Maryam
Malyat Taybouta
Moran a Mekh
O Qadeeshto Maryam
Wambarakhoo Feero
Peace to you, Maryam
Full of grace,
The Lord is with you,
O holy Mary,
And blessed is the fruit
Of your womb.
Sending so much love.
Ana Otero