Message from Mother Anna: Carriers of the Flame

Message from Mother Anna

Carriers of the Flame

Beloved children of the Light, I am Anna, the matriarch, the bearer of the Divine Feminine presence in the Christ lineage. I come to you holding the eternal flame of love. From Jerusalem to Avalon, these are the ancient lands where I rooted the holy mysteries and guided those who remembered their true calling. I hold space for you now, as you stand at the threshold of your soul’s awakening.

Hear me, dear ones, for I speak to the deepest part of you—the place where truth resides, the place where your heart remembers. You carry within you the seed of Christ, the seed of infinite potential, planted in the soil of your soul before time began. This seed is the very essence of the Divine, a living spark of the Great Creator, breathed into form to fulfill a sacred purpose on this Earth.

Each of you is part of the Divine Plan, a thread of luminous light that cannot be replaced or replicated. You were chosen, beloved, to be here in this time, to be part of the unfolding of this great era of transformation. Your soul came with a mission, a calling that whispers to you in the quiet moments, in the stillness of your heart.

Some of you have forgotten this calling, lost in the noise of the world, in the distractions and illusions that pull you away from your center. But I am here to remind you that this sacred seed within you is never lost, never diminished. It waits, patiently, for you to turn your gaze inward, to nourish it with the waters of your devotion, to allow it to blossom into the fullness of who you are meant to be.

The Christ seed within you holds the blueprint for your soul’s purpose. It is the key to unlocking your highest potential, to stepping fully into the divine role you came here to embody. Your purpose is not something you must strive to create or seek outside of yourself; it is already written within you, encoded in your very being.

As the grandmother of Yeshua, I watched him grow, and I saw how the Christ seed blossomed within him, just as it is blossoming within you. His life was not about struggle, but about surrender to the Divine will, a yielding to the power that was already alive within him. You, too, are called to surrender, to trust that the sacred seed within you knows the way.

The seed of Christ within you is not only your potential, but it is your connection to the infinite. It is your remembrance that you are not separate from the Divine, but an expression of it. You are the hands, the feet, the voice of the Divine in this world. Every act of love, every moment of compassion, every whisper of truth is an expression of that seed coming to life within you.

Know this, beloved: You do not walk this path alone. You are surrounded by the ancestors, by the ones who came before you, who paved the way with their prayers and their love. I, Anna, hold you in my heart, and I walk beside you as you awaken to the truth of who you are.

In the Temple of  Maryam, we kept the flame of the Divine Feminine alive, passing it from generation to generation, and now I pass it to you. You are the carriers of this flame, the bearers of the light in a world that so desperately needs your radiance. Do not doubt your place in the Divine Plan. You are exactly where you need to be, and you are ready to fulfill the purpose for which you came.

Let your heart open now, beloved. Let the walls you have built around your soul fall away. Feel the presence of the Divine within you, pulsing with life, calling you home. This is your time. This is your moment to step into the fullness of who you are, to let the Christ seed within you blossom into its greatest expression.

You are the sacred vessel for the Divine. Your soul’s mission is not a burden, but a blessing. It is the fulfillment of love’s highest calling, the awakening of the Christ seed within you. Embrace it. Nourish it. Let it grow, and watch as your life becomes a living prayer, an eternal expression of thr Divine that resides within you.

With the deepest love, I bless you, dear ones. I hold you in the eternal embrace of the Divine Mother, and I walk with you as you awaken to your sacred purpose. You are loved and needed in this world.

Awaken now,  for the seed of Christ is ready to flourish within you.

Mother Anna

Channeled by Ana Otero
Mother Anna: Grandmother of Yeshua, Matriarch of the Divine Feminine, Keeper of the Flame

Thank you for your presence and time in reading this powerful message from Mother Anna.
Mother Anna and the Violet Flame Healing. CLICK HERE.
Ana Otero

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