Mary Magdalene Ritual

Mary Magdalene Ritual

Updated: Jul 31

Shabbat Blessings

Today we honor the Feast Day of Mother Anna, grandmother of Yeshua. Guardian of Light conception and guide and nurturer to the Holy Family. As we celebrate this feast, we seek her blessings to connect deeply with the Light of Creation, bringing forth the highest manifestations in our lives.

Mother Anna’s guides us as we activate the Shiveti Adonai, the sacred mandala of our soul’s seal, and align with our divine purpose.

The Lion’s Gate portal, opening during this presence of Mother Anna, is a powerful time for spiritual growth and remembrance. It is a moment to honor the divine codes we carry within us and to commit to bringing these gifts to the world.

Through Mother Anna’s intercession, may we be filled with the courage to face our challenges, the wisdom to learn from our experiences, and the grace to walk our spiritual path with clarity and devotion.

Let us invoke her nurturing presence to help us tap into the power of Creation within us.

May Mother Anna’s blessings guide us towards fulfilling our divine potential and embracing the sacred journey ahead.

Mary Magdalene Ritual

As we have one week left in this month of Tammuz, I am sharing this beautiful Ritual that you can also find in my book MARY MAGDALENE AND THE TEACHINGS OF THE DESERT ROSE:

Lady Mary Magdalene Sacred Earth Ritual


For this ritual you will need:

– Any type of herb that you resonate with

– Holy Water. I like to use Moon Water. You put water in a bowl and let it be under the moon the whole night and bring it inside before the sun comes out. Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand in the water and say words of blessings. You have activated the water. The water is holy.

– Incense or smudging herbs

– Holy Anointing Oil. If you would like to use the Angelica Oil in the next chapter (as I guide you into activating this oil) you may.

– Bread and wine (or fruit juice or rose water)

– Seek a place of power outside in nature or in your garden. It should feel sacred to you.

– This Ceremony can be done by yourself or in a group.


The first thing you do is pray and meditate in this sacred space. Do this for at least 15 minutes to build a strong connection with the land. Call in the angels and elementals of our Earthly Mother and ask them to bless this space with you. Also ask for a blessing for all the people that have walked and will walk on this piece of land where you are sitting – standing.

After you have prayed, gather 5 stones that belong to this land. They don´t need to be big.  Wherever you take the stone from, offer a sacred herb in its place. Baptize your stones with holy water and then anoint each stone with the chrism, your Sacred Oil, and ask the Divine Light and the Fire of Shekhinah to be infused in these stones.

Place four of the stones in the cardinal directions and the center stone represents Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. Lay out your bread and wine near the center stone. As you touch the bread with one hand and hold the wine with the other hand, chant Yeshua Messiah – Kallah Messiah.

After you have chanted, stand up and envision the center stone, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, bringing Light and Holy Breath to the all of the stones and then feel how all of the stones are creating an energetic mantle and this Light and Holy Breath is covering you. Chant Amein 7 times once you start to feel the mantle of Light.

After you have done this, partake in the Wedding Feast of dipping the Bread in the wine and eating this bread.  Once this is done, lay a small piece of bread on each stone and consecrate the bread by pouring the wine over it.

After you have finished, sit and pray for the Second Coming and that all beings Awaken and that the Light Body Emanation of Our Lady Mary Magdalene and Lord Yeshua covers the Earth to guide us into Ascension.

Chant as long as you wish the following song. You can find this song in my music in Itunes, Spotify, Amazon and on my web site

Mary Magdalene María Magdalena

Give us your Love

Give us your Heart

Give us your Flame

We open up to you

You are the love of the Christ

Holy Bride

Kallah Messiah

Show us the Way

Show us the Way

Guide us in our Path to Illumination

You are the love of the Christ

Holy Bride

Kallah Messiah


When you have finished chanting, say the following prayer.


I shall pray to you Mary Magdalene

I shall commune with you, Holy Bride

I shall look to you for instruction in the Way of Love

So that Love may be fulfilled in me

Help me re- kindle the spark into a flame

The holy Flame that is the ultimate glory of love that knows no conditions

A Love which transcends itself and gives itself in full

A Love that is trustworthy and faithful

A Love that is luminous and good hearted

My Faith in you will bring me the fulfillment of Divine Grace

I pray to be liberated from shadows

I seek the union of the Light and the Fire in the sanctuary of my heartS

o that the illumination of love and compassion fulfills my soul

Holy Bride

Teach and initiate me in the your Ways

I am here to follow you,

I am here to follow the Magdalene Qadeesha


Ana Otero

I will see many of you in today´s online Magdalene Shabbat! You are still in time to join us.


Ana Otero

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