Desert Rose
Sound Mysteries
The Desert Rose Sound Mysteries

weave together the Sacred Voice Awakening and the ancient practice of frame drumming, inviting you to explore the sanctity of your own voice—a celestial instrument meant to channel divine energies—alongside the grounding and rhythmic heartbeat of the frame drum. This ecstatic prayer in motion, drawing inspiration from the soulful expressions of the Essenes, the Sufis, and the expression of ecstatic prayer.

Here, you are called to a deeper communion with the Divine, guided by the legacies of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and the many mystics who have long understood the profound interconnection of sound, spirit, and the sacred.

Desert Rose Voice Awakening

Our voices are Holy, they are the part of our bodies that are not from this realm. Our voices come from the heavenly Light Source and are meant to channel the Divine Celestial energies

The soul, our innermost essence, is a vast reservoir of energy and wisdom that transcends the limitations of our physical existence. Within this vastness lies the true sound of the soul, a vibrational frequency that connects us to the Cosmic Intelligence and holds the key to unlocking our highest potential. By awakening and harnessing this sound, we can tap into its power for manifestation, creation, healing, and spiritual awakening.

The true sound of the soul is often referred to as the “divine frequency,” a unique vibrational signature that resonates within and around us. This frequency serves as a bridge between our spiritual essence and the material world. When we connect with our soul’s true sound, we are in harmony with the universal energy that governs the natural order of life. This alignment allows us to access the immense power that lies dormant within us, helping us manifest our desires, create positive changes, heal emotional and physical wounds, and awaken to our true spiritual nature.

The Desert Rose Voice Awakening works with the following to awaken the true Sound of our Soul.

Chanting and Mantras:

Chanting or repeating sacred sounds and mantras can serve as powerful tools for aligning our vibrations with the true sound of the soul. As we repeat these words or phrases, we create a rhythmic pattern that resonates with the soul’s frequency, opening a channel for energy flow and heightened awareness. We work with Aramaic Light Language, Hathors – Pleiadian Light Language, Biblical Hebrew Mantras. We also work with particular Sound frequencies to awaken our ability to speak and chant in Light Language.

Celestial Movement Meditations

These our powerful Meditations and Practices within the Desert Rose Traditions that work with particular Gematria Sequences that help us attune to the subtle vibrations of Sound Current through Movement and we cultivate a deeper connection with our soul’s unique frequency. We also work with the Bee energy and Venus as the Light of Creation. Ritual is part of our Alaha Shela practices.

Sound Healing:

Sound healing through our voices and Desert Drum Rhythms are therapeutic vibrations to help clear energetic blockages and align our body, mind, and spirit with our soul’s natural frequency. The Sound practices I include help us shed the false layers of ourselves, allowing us to start feeling comfortable in our incarnational experience. We also incorporate the Frame Drum, the Sistrum and Shruti and other instruments to understand how to organically bring our voices into different frequencies.

Essene Breathwork:

​Conscious breathing techniques of the Essenes are used to regulate and control our energetic flow. By developing a deeper awareness of our breath, we can attune ourselves to the subtle energies within and around us, facilitating a more profound connection with our soul’s true sound.

By awakening and harnessing

the true sound of our soul, we can experience
numerous benefits, including:

As we align with our soul’s unique frequency, we can more effectively manifest our desires by working in harmony with the universal energies.
By tapping into our soul’s true sound, we can unleash our creative potential, leading to a more inspired and fulfilling life.
The true sound of the soul has the power to heal emotional and physical wounds, restoring balance and harmony within our body, mind, and spirit.
Spiritual Awakening:
Awakening the true sound of our soul can facilitate a deeper connection with our spiritual nature, leading to profound insights, self-discovery, and a heightened sense of purpose.
The most important and powerful sound healing tool is our own voice.
I will support you in opening and grounding your voice as a channel for healing energy. You were born to sing, express and create freely. Through Desert Sacred Sound practices you will free your voice, release limiting beliefs and open your creative channel.
If you would like to experience a powerful Self Paced
Desert Rose Voice Awakening Course
To find out about live workshops on the Desert Rose Voice Awakening
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