Sarah Tamar
Blue Rose Healing
Welcome to Sarah Tamar’s Blue Rose Healing Training Certification.

In 2017, I channeled the Sarah Tamar Infinity Codes,
a divine gift that revealed to me the mysteries contained within the Blue Rose and the Infinite Sound Vibration of Creation.

I shared these codes with the world in 2022, after working deeply with them for 5 years, and since the Winter Solstice 2022, I have been on a remarkable journey, anchoring and grounding the powerful transmissions of The Blue Rose. This sacred undertaking, rooted in devotion and dedication, has allowed me to delve deep into the heart of these healing practices and modalities.

Sarah Tamar is the embodiment of Celestial Light and Sound, an earthly incarnation of divine love, and the resonance of the healing vibration of the Blue Rose.

Sarah Tamar is is associated with the vibration of the Blue Rose and Sound Vibration, playing a pivotal role in the spiritual development of children in the Etheric realm and activating the Dragon Energy of the land. She emits a frequency of innocence and holds the vibration of Divine Love between her parents Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

The Blue Rose is a symbol of spiritual awakening, transformation, and the Divine Feminine. It represents the sacred union of the divine masculine and feminine energies, as embodied by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. In this context, Sarah Tamar holds the vibration of the Blue Rose, reflecting her unique spiritual lineage and her role as a conduit for these powerful energies.

Sound vibration is the primordial energy that created and sustains the universe. Sarah Tamar embodies Sound Vibration, which allows her to access and transmit healing frequencies and energies that can help balance and harmonize the human energy field.

Through her connection to Sound Vibration, Sarah Tamar assists in raising the collective consciousness and facilitating spiritual growth.

Sarah Tamar is a spiritual guide and teacher, providing guidance and training to children in the Etheric realm before they incarnate into the physical world. Through her connection to the Blue Rose and Sound Vibration, Sarah Tamar helps these children attune to their soul’s purpose and develop their innate spiritual gifts, preparing them for their earthly journey and mission.

Dragon Energy is a powerful and ancient earth energy associated with ley lines, sacred sites, and the Earth’s natural energy grid. Sarah Tamar possesses the ability to activate and harness this Dragon Energy, channeling it into the land to restore balance, harmony, and healing. Through her work with Dragon Energy, Sarah Tamar contributes to the spiritual awakening and ascension of the Earth and humanity.
Sarah Tamar is the Child of Love, the child of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. As ascended Master and Light Being, HERS is the infinite Sound of love.

If your heart yearns to serve and heal through the Blue Rose, this is the perfect training for you.

This Training Program is for:

Those who aspire to harness the healing power of The Blue Rose of Sarah Tamar within themselves.
Those who wish to experience and embody the transformative energy that can bring about profound healing in their lives and the lives of those around them. This is a journey of personal discovery and self-healing, an opportunity to learn how to tap into your inherent potential to facilitate healing at all levels – physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Those who seek not only to experience the healing power of the Blue Rose of Sarah Tamar but also to embody it in a professional capacity as a Sarah Tamar Blue Rose Healer – Practitioner.
This group is composed of those who feel a calling to actively engage in healing work, to serve others by utilizing these potent healing methodologies. This entails a deeper commitment to understanding the Sarah Tamar Blue Rose healing system, mastering its practices, and applying them in a therapeutic setting.

Whether your interest is personal or professional, this training offers the tools, techniques, and understanding needed to embody Sarah Tamar´s Blue Rose Healing Energy.
It is a transformative journey, to embody healing energy, and to contribute to the wellbeing of yourself and others.

This is a self – paced online training. I am an intimate guide in this training, also offering live calls for Blue Rose Ceremonies.
In all of the Trainings at The Desert Rose Mystery School, the ancient Light Languages of Aramaic and Hebrew, as well as precise sacred Body Technology, are practiced as a form of Consecrated Embodiment.

Sending so much love.
To read the Curriculum for the Sarah Tamar Blue Rose Healing Certification Training