Yeshua at the Migdal Synagogue

Yeshua at the Migdal Synagogue

It was another Shabbat Day and Myriam thought to herself, when will they make Shabbat truly exciting? She was dreading the sermon, she just wanted to stay at home and read the scriptures, light her own Shabbat Candles, and write and say her prayers. She asked herself, Why do I find the hidden teachings in the Torah and no teacher speaks of these? Could it be that I am imagining things?

Her parents called her, and she quickly wrapped her head with her shabbat headscarf and anointed herself with her sacred Shabbat oil, a precious gift from one of her teachers.

Myriam found herself in the synagogue, bored, her mind wandering as she listened to the birds outside. Someone was reciting a passage from the Torah—a section she knew by heart—and she began to drift off.

Suddenly, the priest introduced a rabbi. His name was Yeshua.

Yeshua came out from the last row of the synagogue. He was already there amongst the people; there was no triumphant entry. He was just one among the attendees. Myriam was surprised as other teachers and rabbis always entered through the main aisle of the synagogue, but this man appeared out of nowhere, mingling among the people. “This is very strange, a rabbi in the midst of the people, without an exclusive  and glorifying entrance…”

“Shabbat shalom,” he greeted those present.

And Myriam grumbled: “Here we go! Another boring sermon…”

“What is shalom?” Yeshua began.  “Shalom is the inner state of the soul, the true essence of the soul; it is not an external rest but an inner unity that we feel. Shalom comes from shalem, which means to feel complete. Who lives in Shalom? You are in shalom when you know there are no transgressions that are not forgiven by the grace and mercy of Alaha. If you are open, Shekhinah enters the soul of each person to grant us the peace of Alaha. Alaha is not a merciless judge nor does he wish to be a God of fear. Alaha is pure love, and through that love, we are blessed with Shalom because we are Shalom. Shalom is the inherent Blueprint.”

After these first words, a tear rolled down Myriam’s face… These are the mysteries that I have been waiting for. Yeshua´s voice did not seem human, Alaha was speaking through him. Her body trembled, remembering the years of her childhood when she had read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and so many of the other sacred books. The words that Yeshua was speaking contained the Word of the great prophets and teachers.

The Rabbi Yeshua continued: “I am not here to teach that which is found or  not found in the Torah; the Torah already contains everything, what is seen and what is not seen. I am here to announce the fulfillment of the Torah, the Kingdom of Heaven. And what is the Malkootah (The Kingdom of Heaven)? Many here in the synagogue today believe that Israel will be fulfilled by going to war against Rome, but the Kingdom is not built with weapons. The Kingdom is built with the peace of your soul, without jealousy, without envy, without competition with others, without deceitful eyes, without adultery, without anger, without hatred, without ego, without separation. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you!”

Thousands of Jews from the synagogue in Migdal stood up with excitement.

In a few minutes, Myriam’s life would change forever; she would no longer stop following Yeshua´s voice… She felt hope and Faith. A new humanity would be birthed, she would be reborn into one of  the Children of the Light.

Yeshua descended a few steps, approached Myriam, and murmured with a smile: “Thank you for attending, thank you for fighting against your own boredom”, and immediately he was lost amongst the crowd, all she could see was his Tallit (ritual mantle).

She slowly brought her hands to her heart in prayer position and silently murmured Shabbat Shalom. She was at peace. 

As Myriam left the synagogue, Yeshua turned around and watched her leave, knowing that he had found Shekhinah Magdalena. He knew that all would unfold quickly as of that moment.

Mary Magdalene, A Hebrew Mystic

By Ana Otero

Pre-sale available on Amazon.

Wishing all of you love on these last 2 days of July, and every day. We have a few days left of Tammuz – Cancer before we go into the month of Av – Leo. The waters have been deep…

This Friday, August 2nd is our Ahava Sacred Dance and Drumming workshop session. We will dance and drum to the Healing Waters of Tammuz – Cancer. CLICK HERE to register.

I am offering Ahava Sacred Dance and Drumming Sessions: The Sacred Intentions, from September – December. Each of these 4 3 hour Workshops will be connected to the Alaha Shela of each Aramaic – Hebrew lunar monthly cycle. There is currently a 25% discount. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.

Heart of Eden Lion´s Gate workshop is in a few days. If you are ready to transform and upgrade each category of your life, this workship which contains practices and powerful teachings will help shift you to a new soul expression. We are gathering in sacred circle to do some powerful work together! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Sending love to all of you.


Ana Otero

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