The Soul´s Journey

The Soul´s Journey

Nothing was ever missing…

Every soul embarks upon an ageless journey, a pilgrimage that is both ethereal and profound. This voyage begins even before our feet touch the earthly soils, and continues long after we shed our mortal bodies. The path is not linear, but cyclical, much like the seasons that dance upon this Earth.

Many of us ask, what is the purpose of this soul’s voyage? The great teachers from different lineages would say: it is to remember and to rediscover. To remember our Divine essence, the spark that connects us to the Creator and to all of Creation. It is to journey through experiences, to love deeply,feel joy,  suffer greatly, and to find the luminous path even in the darkest of nights.

Each step that we have taken, each experience, each relationship, each heartbeat, is part of the soul’s longing, a yearning to return to its Divine source, to our truth in unity.

Every encounter, every challenge, is but a mirror, reflecting back to us the lessons our souls seek. The betrayals and the embraces, the tears and the laughter, they all carry within them jewels of wisdom, waiting to be unearthed by the discerning heart.

Master Yeshua often spoke of the Kingdom within. This is the realm where the soul is in its purest form, unburdened by the weight of worldly desires. It is a place of stillness, of deep knowing. It’s where the soul, like a bride, meets her bridegroom in a sacred union.

The soul’s journey is not about arriving at a destination, but about coming home to oneself.

Before your soul embarked on its journey into this present incarnation, it carefully selected a divine blueprint, a map filled with sacred frequencies, lessons, and infinite possibilities. This template was chosen with profound wisdom, designed to guide your soul through experiences that would lead to deep healing, expansion, and the ultimate realization of your highest potential. Each path, each encounter, and each challenge you face is not by chance, but a part of this intricate design, meant to help your soul evolve, transform, and align with its true essence.

We come to life on Earth with a purpose to be awakened. As we emerge from our mothers, who serve as Divine Portals ushering us into this realm, we are immediately shrouded with a veil. This veil, thickening with age, is reinforced by societal norms and conditioning. However, there comes a moment of awakening, a stirring, a recalling, a longing for liberation. The Soul, in her wisdom, recognizes when she can no longer be confined in a reality of bondage, conditioning, and a three-dimensional existence. Then the tumult begins: the journey, the quest, and ultimately the feeling that something is missing, that we are incomplete. Yet, paradoxically, we start to realize that nothing was ever missing; everything has always been, and still is, within our inner sanctuary.

From my book to be published and shared very soon…


Ana Otero

4 thoughts on “The Soul´s Journey

  1. Maria Angelica Dittus

    gracias querida Ana por tu luz, sabiduría y amor que nos conducen a vivir la profunda expresión de nuestro verdadero ser.Un gran abrazo

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