The Raqisiyat: Priestess of Drumming, Dance and Sacred Sound

Ahava and Blessings
I hope that all of you are having a beautiful Venus – Shabbat Day. I would like to share a few lines from my next book. Thank you for reading and I would love to read comments on what awakens in you when you read this.
I entered the town of Ilbira. Ilbira is what present day Granada was called in the great era of the Al Andalus, when Granada was the Capital of the Islamic Nation and when Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together in Harmony. Ilbira means Freedom, Sovereignty, and is also a word that is used to describe a person who is free-spirited, independent and Courageous.
As I stepped into Ilbira, I knew that this was to be my city for a while, as my Freedom was what I always fought for. Walking through the colorful streets of Ilbira, the smell of cumin, ginger, coriander and cinnamon mingled with the Frankincense being burned at the Temples. There was so much life here. People were smiling, dancing and praise to Alaha was found in every corner.
I went into a Temple of the Sephardi, the Jews that were seen as the custodians of magic, believed to be descendants of King Solomon. A Raqisiyat was conducting the Ceremony. A Raqisiyat was a Priestess of Drumming, Dance and Sound. The word comes from Arabic and actually describes a person who is passionate and enthusiastic about their work. Raqisiyat is associated with being one with the creative channel and a willingness to go above and beyond duality to deliver the light. The Raqisiyat´s name was Sarah.
I had walked through many lands to get to Ilbira and I was saddened to see that the role of Women in these lands was that of wife, servant and bearer of Children. They just seemed to have been completely silenced.
Ilbira was different. Women enjoyed a great degree of independence and had the right to own and manage their own businesses, own property, and make decisions about their own lives. Women were also able to make their own choices regarding marriage and divorce. This period was a time of great social and cultural freedom for women, allowing them to be respected members of society and provide a unique contribution to the flourishing of a culture devoted to Spirituality and the Arts.
I soon found out that this Temple was actually owned by the Raqisiyat Sarah, the Priestess of Drumming, Dance and Sound.
Sarah came out holding a Drum as if it were a tray. In the inside of the Drum were 2 candles, rose petals and Frankincense which was burning strongly. She recited prayers in Aramaic, in my language. I knew the ritual she was conducting; I had performed it so many times.
After the prayers, blessing and purification, Sarah started to Dance with the Drum. As she danced with the Drum, we chanted. Many people were playing the Drum as well. I needed to get a drum, I needed to feel this again, to remember all of the times I played in the Desert of my home with my beloved. A beautiful woman next to me felt my urgency and she handed me the Drum.
As the energy got stronger, people started to join Sarah and whirled around her. As the Sound of our voices merged into the Beresheet, the Creation Story, I saw the light of Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine Presence, coming down with strength anointing her beloved Community. I saw myself as Spirit embodying those who were open to receive me, to receive once again THE MAGDALENE.
Excerpt from my Book
The Magdalene Raqisiyat