The 12 Holy Days of Christmas. Day 12

The 12 Holy Days of Christmas are practiced not only by Christians and Gnostics, but in many ancestral cultures they were seen as a time of receiving the Mysteries. Christmas is such an auspicious moment, a moment of prayer and retreat. We have the opportunity now to honor these High Holy days just as our ancestors did, but with a different type of reverence. The devotion we deliver this moment is bringing the love and beauty that was birthed in the Piscean age (not everything was negative…) into the Aquarian age.
The12-day period that begins on December 25th is a period of profound esoteric significance. The 25th of December marks the awakening of the spiritual heart for 12 days that will seal an energetic template of the year to come. These Holy 12 days are under the direct influence of the Twelve Zodiacal Hierarchies. These Zodiacal Hierarchies project themselves on planet earth, opening portals and activating wisdom codes during twelve days. This is a period of deep esoteric and spiritual significance as the Divine Light is manifesting itself more fully in the world, building into a crescendo, until its Glory is poured down into us at Epiphany.
On January 5 we honor the 12th of the 12 Holy Days of Christmas. We honor the Zodiacal Hierarchy of Pisces by committing ourselves to the Light of Oneness Creation. This is the frequency I AM ONE WITH THE WATERS OF LIFE. Think of the Fish, the NUN (aramaic), which Yeshua activated. This is the open door into the Infinite Womb of Wisdom.
This is the most powerful day of the 12 Holy Days as tomorrow we receive the Epiphany (I will share a beautiful article tomorrow with a magical meditation). This is the day to dream beyond what you know, to forgive yourself and others, to know that you and the Mother-Father are mirroring faces. You are here to create with the purity of grace and as you dissolve yourself into the love of the Divine you remember that you have always been the beloved.
Today I leave you a beautiful poem by Farid ud Din Attar that speaks of the vibration and reflection of the LOVE we are.
Intoxicated by the Wine of Love.
From each a mystic silence Love demands.
What do all seek so earnestly? ‘Tis Love.
What do they whisper to each other? Love.
Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts.
In Love no longer ‘thou’ and ‘I’ exist,
For Self has passed away in the Beloved.
Now will I draw aside the veil from Love,
And in the temple of mine inmost soul,
Behold the Friend; Incomparable Love.
He who would know the secret of both worlds,
Will find the secret of them both, is Love.
I embrace all of you and am so grateful for your presence.
Remember that you are love and infinitely held by the Divine Mother – Father.
Have a blessed Holy Day.
Abwoon D´bshmaya
May the Magdalene Flame guide you every day in every way.
Ana Otero