Shifting to a Higher Dimension

Shifting to a Higher Dimension

Magdalene Shabbat Message

This month of Tishrei – Libra is one that has brought me the greatest lessons in life, mainly because my daughter was born in this month and she is one of my greatest teachers.

I recently spent some time in Scotland attending a family wedding (my daughter is half Scottish). We stayed at a beautiful venue right in front of Loch Lomond. The morning walks were profound, connecting to the energy of the Water Element within different realms and dimensions.

As I embraced the presence of the Elementals, the following quote from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene came to me:

1 “ ‘I left the world with the aid of another world; 2 a design was erased, 3 by virtue of a higher design.

This passage speaks to the journey of transcending the illusions of the material world and awakening to the higher truths of the Divine and of our Soul. Mary Magdalene´s words, “I left the world with the aid of another world”, reveal the essential mystical truth that liberation from the earthly plane comes not through its rejection, but by accessing a greater reality beyond it. The “other world” she references can be understood as the realm of the divine or spiritual truth, which serves as a guiding light, illuminating the way out of the shadows of illusion.

When Mary Magdalene speaks of a “design” being erased “by virtue of a higher design,” she reflects on the purification and transformation that occurs when we align ourselves with the Divine will. The “design” she refers to is the structure of our lower egoic self: our attachments, fears, and illusions. These egoic structures must dissolve for us to embody the higher, purer design of our true divine nature.

This purification process is seen as the shedding of the material, corrupted layers of human existence, which bind the soul to suffering and illusion. These corrupted layers are our own fears, separation, familial and societal programming.  The Gospel of Mary emphasizes that the soul’s journey is not a rejection of the body or the world, but a transcendence of the illusions they often represent. We ascend to a higher state of being, one that is in union with the divine essence, as represented by Yeshua and the Christ light.

Emotionally and intimately, this passage calls us to reflect on the cycles of purification we go through in life—the trials, the stripping away of old identities and beliefs. Every experience that brings suffering or confusion offers the potential to erase the old “design” of who we thought we were, giving way to a more aligned and divine blueprint. It is in these moments of purification, often painful and difficult, that we are given the opportunity to remember the higher design that has been within us all along.

Mary’s words also remind us of the power of trust and surrender. There is a higher design guiding us, even when it feels like parts of our life are falling apart. The mystic’s path teaches us that these dismantlings are not losses, but openings. We are not alone in this process, there is always the presence of the Divine, the “other world,” guiding us through, helping us to strip away what no longer serves, and re-emerge in the fullness of our divine essence.

The path of purification is ultimately a return to our true nature, a higher version of ourselves where divine and human are unified. Mary Magdalene, through her own journey, offers us the courage to trust in this process, to embrace the sacred design of our souls, and to continually seek the higher truth that lies beyond the illusions of the world.

I have walked the Path of Purification for many years and will continue to do so. This is what true spirituality is about. It is not just about feeling good in the moment, with our chanting, prayers and various practices (which are extremely important), but being able to take the bliss of our practice out into the external world as well so we may be in unification with the external. Yeshua says the Kingdom is inside…and outside. He first states that it is within, guiding us to navigate the inner journey just as Mary Magdalene guides us, yet then he mentions that it is outside of us as well, meaning that the purification is complete once it is witnessed in the physical world. Here Yeshua also speaks of moving to a higher dimension of our being and expression.

And going back to the beginning of this text in which I mention my time in Loch Lomond, when my daughter came into this world, I left the world with the aid of another world.

So often purification is caused through our relationships. These experiences serve as another world so we may purify, reflect, transcend and blossom into our true selves. Family members, our children, our beloved, friends…there are so many people around us in this moment that can actually take us into a higher world – dimension of ourselves, we just need to surrender the ego and accept the lessons we are here to learn.

Today is also Yom Kippur Shabbat, known as the day of atonement is a powerful portal within itself. Starting on the eve of the 11th of October and finishing in the evening of the 12th of October,  this day is a sacred invitation to move beyond the illusions of separation, beyond the noise of the world, and into the space of deep stillness—into the presence of Yechida, the highest point of the soul. Yechida means “oneness,” symbolizing the undivided unity between the Divine and the individual soul, the purest essence of the human spirit that remains untouched by illusion.

Yom Kippur is a portal for deep inner purification and forgiveness. It is an opportunity to release what no longer serves us, to let go of the attachments, the judgments, and the grievances we hold in our hearts. Just as Mary Magdalene and Yeshua embodied forgiveness, this sacred day calls us to embrace the ultimate act of mercy—towards ourselves and others. Through atonement, or as the Hebrew word kippur suggests, through “covering” our missteps with love and light, we cleanse our souls and return to the Divine truth of who we are.

On this day we reflect on the profound power of silence and stillness as we commune with the Shekhinah—the indwelling presence of the Divine Feminine. In this stillness, the Holy Spirit, which Mary Magdalene awakens within us, moves through us, helping us release our burdens and align with the eternal compassion and forgiveness that the Creator offers.

This day reminds us that forgiveness is not only an act but a sacred state of being. When we forgive, we are aligning with the divine blueprint, where all is one, all is sacred. And it is in the quiet of Yom Kippur that we hear the soul’s whisper, drawing us back to the heart of creation, to the unity of our essence.

Remember to take time today to be in forgiveness and presence.

I am wishing you a magical Shabbat. Let us have in our prayers the situation in the Middle East. May Peace be restored and may the light of the Shekhinah do away with any forms of terror and injustices. May we also have Florida and all who dwell in Florida in our prayers. May we hold infinite prayers for humanity and our Mother Earth.

The Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training for 2025 is now open for early registration with a discounted price through the month of October. Click here for more information and to register.

Magdalene Shabbat for the month of October is open for registration. We will experience a Myrraphore Ceremony to heal the heart. To participate in Shabbat we ask for a small donation that goes towards the Children that we are sponsoring in india with their food, clothing and education. Click here to register.

Mother Anna Violet Flame Healing Training is an online immersion that I will facilitate in the month of November. This is a powerful healing modality and for those who feel the calling, you will definitely feel a shift into a higher dimension of your being and expressions. Click here for more information.

There are a few spaces left for the Magdalene Tree of Life Retreat in Spain. Click here for more information.

Make sure you mark on your calendars July 18th – July 22nd, 2025, the Event: Magdalene Holy Gathering in Avalon. Spaces are limited, so if you would like to participate in this powerful gathering during Mary Magdalene´s Feast day in Avalon please contact me:

During my time at Loch Lomond, I experienced a deeply nostalgic and spiritual moment, one that brought me back to the visions I had received of my daughter through Sarah Tamar before she was born. It was as though the veil between worlds thinned, and I could clearly recall how I connected with her soul before her incarnation. This profound connection with the souls of our children, even before they enter this world, carries a sacred resonance.

In 2025, I will begin working with those who feel called to connect with the souls of their future children. This work involves not only nurturing these divine connections but also understanding the sacred soul contracts we hold with our children. We will explore how we, as guardians, can support the Blue Children, souls who are being prepared and trained by Sarah Tamar in the higher realms. These children carry a unique vibration, a light that is meant to transform and elevate the world, and it is our responsibility to create a space of love, understanding, and guidance for them.Together, we can create a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, anchoring these divine souls into their earthly purpose with love and wisdom.

At the end of this blog post you will find a Neshama Yoga practice , one that is close to my heart. This practice is a deep workout for the body and also an energetic reset for the soul. As we move through these intense times of chaos and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to create sacred space for ourselves, to reconnect with the Divine and find stillness within.
Let this practice be a moment to center, ground, and align with your essence. I send you all love, strength, and peace as we journey together in life.
May our prayers for the world continue.

Shabbat Shalom


Ana Otero

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