Sarah Tamar Blue Rose Moon

Sarah Tamar Blue Rose Moon

Aquarius Full Moon Blessings – Blue Moon – Tu B´Av (The Day of Love)

The Sign of Sarah Tamar and the Blue Rose

Message Sarah Tamar

I come to you with a message of awakening, a call to return to the sacredness of your being and the garden from which you were birthed.

The Dragon energies, ancient and powerful, are stirring within the womb of the Earth and within your very being. These energies, long dormant, are the guardians of the deep wisdom and primal force of creation. As they awaken, they align with the sacred ley lines of the Earth, the energetic pathways that connect all life. These ley lines mirror the meridians of your own body, pathways of light and energy that flow through you, connecting your heart, womb, and soul to the cosmos.

It is time to open your hearts fully and allow the Blue Rose Ray to enter. This ray is the light of divine love, the pure essence of the Holy One, my mother, Mary Magdalene. It carries the codes of remembrance, the frequencies of the original Garden of Eden, the paradise that exists within you and around you.

As you align with this energy, you are called to heal, to release the old wounds and traumas that have kept you in separation from your true nature. The Dragon energies within your womb are not to be feared but embraced, for they are the source of your creative power, your strength, and your ability to bring forth the new Earth.

In the name of Mary Magdalene, the Holy One who walks with you, I am here to assist you in this sacred journey. Together, we shall return to the Garden of Eden, not as a place outside of you, but as the state of divine union within. The Blue Rose Ray will guide you, infusing your heart with love, your mind with wisdom, and your womb with the creative power of the Dragon.

Take a moment now to breathe deeply, feel the Earth beneath you, and connect with the ley lines that flow through the land and through your body. Allow the Dragon energies to rise, to awaken the fire within your womb. Let this fire purify you, transforming fear into love, doubt into faith, and separation into union.

You are the keepers of the Blue Rose, the carriers of the ancient wisdom. As you walk this path, know that you are never alone. I walk with you, guiding you, loving you, holding the space for your deep awakening.

Return to the Garden. Open your heart to the Blue Rose Ray, and let us walk together in the light of the Holy One, in the love of Mary Magdalene.

Sarah Tamar

Channeled by Ana Otero

I am wishing all of you a beloved Full Moon in Aquarius and a nourishing Tu B´Av (Aramaic – Hebrew Calendar). Remember to love deeply today and remember to fall in love with your Soul.

If you would like to work with Sarah Tamar:

Sarah Tamar Blue Rose Healing Practitioner Training. CLICK HERE

Sarah Tamar Codes of Infinity. CLICK HERE

Artwork by Danielle Noel.


Ana Otero

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