Novena Mother Anna Day 5

On this 5th day of our Novena to Mother Anna, we ask you to guide us in the renewal of our hearts and for us to grow in spiritual wealth during these times of transition.
Message from Mother Anna:
In all of the transitions and changes you are going through as a humanity I want you to focus on all of the abundance that lives within you. As the false layers of the EGO are pulled off, you will start to expand your energy field and the grace of love you hold will be expressed.
Be open to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit as you come into Divine Union with your Soul. The more you allow your soul to breath it will become easier to surrender to the practice of Faith. Have Faith in yourself, in us, and in the Divine Plan. I ask you to align with your limitless power and infinite immortality. This is true ABUNDANCE.
Channeled by Ana Otero
We give thanks to Mother Anna for this message. A beautiful way to grow our spiritual wealth is by honoring the Cycles of the Moon. Honoring the Moon honors life, as this Dance of Devotion increases our receptivity to the ever-changing nature of existence on our planet. Working with the Moon’s cycle will help you find meaning in every aspect of the journey of your life. She reminds us to nurture what we love and to follow our heart. On this 5th day of the Novena, as you create a practice to cultivate your inner world which will lead to your spiritual wealth, ask Mama Moon to show you how to embrace the cycles of your emotional world.
Ana Otero