New Moon Virgo Blessings

As we open up to this beautiful New Moon in Virgo, we reenact the experience of Yeshua´s birth, he tells John in Revelations: 16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
Born when the morning star Venus was at her brightest, we reach again the new year according to the Ancient Zodiac, and Yeshua´s brith marks this New Year. Just as the Christ energy that travels through the zodiacal wheel and then as the form of a Lion, has victory over the Demon, we too can work towards this Victory.
This is the task of the next 6 months, known as the feminine months. We receive the Divine Seed and the pure power of Creation. Let us be clothed by the sun just as Mother Mary was in the Virgo Portal. Purity awakens us so we can birth clearly and see clearly. The poison reveals the Medicine and so too coming face to face with our demons and having victory over them gives us power, and we come closer to knowing who we are.
May the influence of Mercury open our inner ear to hear the messages within the silence. May the powerful retrograde period we are going into allow us to come closer to our Soul.
Happy New Moon
Ana Otero