Month of Virgo – Elul Teachings

Today Marks the Beginning of a New Zodiacal Year According to Biblical and Ancient Egyptian Astrology.


As we step into this sacred time, we reflect on the significance of crowning our Beloved Mary on August 22, celebrating her Queenship. Now, as we move forward, she comes to us in her most powerful form—as Queen of the Earth, as the Black Madonna, embodying the divine motherly essence. SHE is our Mother, our guide, our protector.


Welcome Month of Elul – Virgo.


With Our Lady Mary, we are called to walk upon the Earth with reverence and devotion once more. The Earth, our sacred home, offers us healing through her plants, her soil, and her wisdom. As we open ourselves to her teachings, we learn to listen deeply to the Mother’s voice, allowing her to guide us. Our bodies, temples of divine light, must be cared for with the utmost respect. We commit ourselves to a life of service, recognizing that we are interconnected with the Cosmic Intelligence of the Earth. Through this connection, our souls become fully embodied, and we walk in harmony with creation.


Virgo represents the perfection of creation, the sign that holds the key to shifting our consciousness into the new age. In Virgo, we begin to understand the true purpose of our form—not merely for personal satisfaction, but for a deeper, more internal yearning to know and embrace spiritual reality. This is the sign that represents the “womb of time,” where Alaha’s plan—the mystery and secret of the ages—is slowly nurtured and, through struggle, pain, and discomfort, brought into manifestation at the appointed time.


Virgo speaks to the divine truth of “the Christ within you.” It symbolizes the evolutionary stage of human development where the divine life within each of us begins to stir. The purpose of Virgo is to purify and prepare our physical forms to become more receptive to divine light. Assigned to serve and guide humanity, Virgo is the spotless queen of heaven, the mother goddess of nature. She represents the ultimate goal of our evolutionary process: to protect, nourish, and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality within us all.


Virgo, the golden harvest, provides material abundance to all the children of this planet. The Spiritual-Biblical zodiac begins in Virgo and culminates in Leo. Within the constellation of Virgo, we see a right hand holding a branch and a left hand bearing a shaft of wheat—the bread of life. The virgin womb carries the Christ, the bread of life, and a whole generation of PEOPLE OF THE LIGHT.


The month of Elul -Virgo is a sacred time of introspection, purification, and spiritual preparation as we approach the new year in the Hebrew tradition. Early Christianity also followed the Aramaic – Hebrew Calendar. It is a time when we are invited to reflect deeply on our lives, to turn inward and examine the year that has passed, and to purify ourselves in body, mind, and soul in readiness for the blessings and challenges of the year to come. Elul is traditionally seen as a time to reconnect with the Divine, to seek forgiveness, and to return to our true selves. We are called to cleanse our spiritual vessels, to heal what has been broken, and to nurture the Christ Light within us.  Elul guides us to cultivate the sacred space within, to embrace a life of service and devotion, and to walk upon the Earth with reverence. Through the practices of reflection, healing, and connection with the Divine Mother, we align ourselves with the cosmic intelligence of the Earth, allowing our souls to be fully embodied and prepared to birth the full potential of our Soul’s Purpose.


Mary Magdalene’s presence during this portal encourages us to go inward, to purify our hearts and minds, and to prepare ourselves as vessels for the divine. Her teachings remind us that true spiritual growth requires us to embrace both the light and the shadow within, to heal old wounds, and to align ourselves with our highest purpose. She calls us to embody the qualities of Virgo—service, devotion, and the sacred nurturing of our inner light. As we walk this path, guided by the wisdom of Mary Magdalene, we are reminded that we are co-creators with the Divine, and that through our willingness to heal and grow, we contribute to the unfolding of Alaha´s plan on Earth.


This is the month in which the Magdalene 13 Petalled Rose is activated in the Ethers, blessing us with the opportunity to connect with our book of life so we may step into higher dimensions of our Soul Expression. For the first time at The Desert Rose Mystery School I will be facilitating the 13 Day online immersion Mary Magdalene and the 13 Petalled Rose. These ancient teachings rooted in Hebrew and Christian Mysticism and connected with the 22 Aramaic – Hebrew Letters of Creation will shift us completely. This online immersion initiates on the 16th of September. CLICK HERE to register and for more information.


We are invited to cultivate the following:

  • Create Sacred Space within yourself and your home. Clear out all that is stagnant and make room for new energy.

  • Empty Yourself of what no longer serves you, creating rituals that promote a healthy body, as your body is a sacred vessel.

  • Connect with Nature. Spend time outdoors, walk barefoot, and commune with Mother Earth, allowing her to ground and nourish you.

  • Embrace a Holistic Lifestyle that aligns with your spiritual and physical well-being. This is a time to start anew.

  • Spend Time Alone to reflect, integrate, and connect with your inner self. Use this time to heal and grow.

  • Face What Needs Healing. Use herbs, oils, and natural remedies to support your healing journey.

  • Be of and in Service. Engage in acts of service, recognizing that through helping others, we honor the divine within.

  • Pray, Chant, and Engage in Shabbat. Strengthen your spiritual practices, deepening your relationship with the Divine Mother.

  • Purify Your Body, Mind, Soul, and Energy. Find ways to cleanse and rejuvenate every part of your being.


As we walk together through this Portal, let us remember the teachings of Elul—this is a time of reflection, purification, and preparation for the new year ahead. With the guidance of Mary and the wisdom of Virgo, we are supported in our journey toward wholeness and divine embodiment.

Today, on this Virgo New Moon, my new website will be launched. I am forever grateful to Eos Koch for creating such beauty.


September´s Magdalene Shabbat is open for registration. We will receive the Violet Flame of Mother Anna. Participation is by donation. CLICK HERE to register.


I am facilitating a Kabbalistic Astrology Workshop, the second one: The Lunar Soul Codes. I do not offer these workshops often as Kabbalistic Astrology is very deep, yet this work is essential now that we are in the Feminine Months of the year. CLICK HERE to register.


The Sarah Tamar Book Blue Rose of Prayers and Rituals is now available! CLICK HERE


As we enter the Feminine Months of the year, you may also like The Black Madona Book of Prayers and Rituals. This is a downloadable Ebook. CLICK HERE


The Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training Early Registration will start on October 1st! If you feel the calling, you can fill out the Training form. CLICK HERE


Join me on September 15th for and in person workshop: THE MAGDALENE SONG OF SONGS.

If you would like to receive more information please email me at


Sending you all so much love during this sacred time.


Ana Otero

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