Message from the Hathors
Pluto enters Aquarius
Today as I reflected in deep meditation upon the transition of Pluto into Aquarius, I asked for a message, and received these beautiful words from the Hathors – Pleiadians (they are the same frequency, so whichever name you use is perfect).
“Annu-Ra-Tehuti-Ankhu-Khepera-Amenti, Seba-Khu-Ankh-Nebu-Ka-Ra, Senet-Tawy-Mehu-Ashu-Neferu”.
May the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom awaken within you. May the radiant spirits of celestial harmony empower your earthly journey. It is your time to usher in the Golden Age. As the dawn of consciousness emerges from the heart of the cosmos, you are gently guided from the shadows into the infinite light. You will journey in a chariot of fire to merge the heavens and earth in sublime beauty. Let joy and grace blossom within the gardens of your soul, nurtured by our divine presence.
Sending blessings to all of you.
Ana Otero
Wonderful! Come swiftly!
Ahava Patricia, sending you lots of love.
Gracias. Gracias. Gracias.
Soy asidua lectora de tu blog. Me sirve de guía en mi camino. Una Gran guía. Me reconcilia con el misticismo y con los místicos, a los que siempre había echado a un lado.
Hola preciosa, te mando un abrazo y gracias por tu presencia. AHAVA