Mary Magdalene: Sexual Power of Creation

Mary Magdalene: Sexual Power of Creation


I come to you from the eternal flame of divine wisdom, to share with you a truth that is ancient, infinite and present.


The Divine, in infinite wisdom, knows which energies are to be activated now and which are to be reserved for future unfoldings. There is a frequency, a vibration, that is not aligned with the immediate act of creation, but rather with the building of what is to come. This frequency holds the gift of prophecy, the ability to see beyond the veil of the present moment and to look into the mysteries of what is yet to be revealed.


You contain all of these frequencies and this particular frequency is being activated in those who are in the ascension process.


This frequency holds the sacred sexual power of creation. When balanced and aligned with the divine will, it is a force of life, of pure potential and manifesting power. However, when misaligned, it can become blocked, leading to what you may perceive as the  inability to bring forth the fullness of your potential in various aspects of your life. This blockage is not just physical but can manifest emotionally, spiritually, and creatively.


Develop inner hearing—an attunement to your Divine Self. It is through this inner listening that the messages from the Divine can flow freely, guiding you to make choices that are in alignment with your highest good. When you cultivate this sacred connection, you allow the wisdom of the universe to move through you, bringing clarity, insight, and the power to manifest your highest potential.


There is a challenge that comes with such power. The same energy that brought the Celestial Adam to lose his-her state of grace and eternal perfection is the energy that courses through you now. It is the fire of creation, the power of choice, and the responsibility of alignment. When you feel anger, frustration, or the sense of being overwhelmed, it is often because this energy is not being properly channeled or expressed. It is a call to return to balance, to reconnect with the divine intention, and to realign yourself with the flow of creation.


In these moments, remember that the Divine is not pushing you away but inviting you to rise to the challenge, to master the energies within you, and to step into your role as a co-creator with the Divine. Allow yourself to be guided through the cycles of creation, destruction, and rebirth.


You are always in the process of becoming, and each choice you make shapes the worlds to come.


Embrace this journey with an open heart, with the courage to face your shadows, and with the trust that you are always held in the infinite love of the Divine. The future is not set, but is shaped by the choices you make today. Listen deeply, act with intention, and know that you are a vessel of divine creation.

Mary Magdalene

Channeled by Ana Otero


On August 8th I will facilitate the Heart of Eden Lion´s Gate Online Workshop. You are still in time to join us. CLICK HERE for more information.


The 25% discount on the Ahava Sacred Dance and Drumming Workshop Series: Sacred Intentions, finishes on August 8th. CLICK HERE fr more information.


Our August Magdalene Shabbat is again very special! CLICK HERE for more information and to register.


Below you can watch a Desert Rose Reading for the month of Av – Leo.


Ana Otero

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