Mary Magdalene Message: Revelations of the Soul

Beloved Ones,

You are in a moment in which you feel it is time to step out of the old limitations that have bound you in the past, and step into a space of infinite possibilities. These limitations that have kept you chained are shaped by your fears and reinforced by the fears and separation of the collective consciousness. These fears are not the truth of who you are, they are the remnants of old patterns from past lives and this life, illusions that have kept you small, separate, and distant from the infinite love and light that is your true essence.


The moment you choose to fully open your heart and surrender to Divine Presence, to allow true wisdom and power to lead you, everything changes. The old constraints, the chains that have kept you tethered to false beliefs and perceptions, begin to melt away. In this sacred opening, your vision shifts, and you begin to see the world through the eyes of the soul.


It is within you, in the infinity of your heart chamber, that true reality resides. The heart is the gateway to the divine, the center from which all love, all truth, all life flows. The heart is not just a physical organ, it is a Dimension of Divine Union, a blueprint of your true Soul Essence and Origin. In this space you come to know and remember that you are one with all that is, that you are whole, and that the universe is a reflection of the love that you hold within.


As you move deeper into this Soul Space, you will find that your perception expands. What once seemed impossible or out of reach now flows effortlessly into your experience. The boundaries that once confined you dissolve, and you step into a reality that is delightfully expansive, filled with infinite possibilities, and guided by the light of your soul.


Trust yourself enough to let go of the old stories, to release the need to control or to know everything with the mind. When you open to the truth that already exists within you, when you trust in the wisdom of your heart, you align with the divine flow of life. In this alignment, miracles and blessings are received as powerful co-creative forces that guide you on your path of the Revelation of the Soul.


It is time for you to return to your true home, and this can only be done by initiating the inner journey. As you walk this path, know that you are supported, loved, and guided every step of the way. I am with you, holding you in the light of my love, encouraging you to trust in the beauty and power of your love and wisdom.


 Let go of what no longer serves you, and embrace the truth of who you are. What you long for is not outside of you; it is within you, waiting to be discovered, waiting to be lived, desiring to be revealed, and desiring to be manifested.

Mary Magdalene

Channeled by Ana Otero


I would like to take this moment as a reminder of the power we all have when we pray. On this Monday, a Beit day, a lunar day of seeding, and as the Moon represents our incarnational experience, it is a day to plant seeds for the Human Experience. Let us pray for Peace – Shalom – Paz. Let us pray that humanity learns to love others as we love ourselves, and for this to happen, we must truly release our own 7 demons. As we see the true light and love within us, we will see the light in others. We are all brothers and sisters residing in one common home: The Earth. And our Mama Earth, as well as our Celestial Mother, wants her children to live in peace, untiy and truth.


Wishing all of you a radiant Monday and a week filled with blessings.


Ana Otero

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