Magdalene Monday Blessings to all!!

Blessings to all of you as we embrace a new week. I love calling this day Magdalene Monday.
Mondays are ruled by the Moon and the Aramaic Letter Beit. There is also a Saturn component to this day so remember to be open and plant the seeds for this week with awareness and presence. Working with the days of the week is magic, as they represent the 7 days of creation.
Beit teaches us that there is always an opportunity to birth something new and that something new always wants to be birthed through us!
Today the Moon is in Scorpio and in the Waning Crescent Phase, known as the Balsamic Moon and in the Aramaic Shabbat – Moon Technology we are in the Sidqa Phase. Sidqa means silence. This is the most powerful phase for healing and for upgrades. Remember to take care of you body, mind, energy and spirit. Rest and take walks in nature. Allow the body to regenerate.
On December 21st I am facilitating a Womb of Divine Love Solstice Community Gathering. Everyone is welcome and we would love for you to join us.
Ana Otero
The Desert Rose Mystery School