Imbolc – Candlemas – Lammas Blessings

Blessings to all of you on this Blessed Candelmas – Imbolc – Lammas (Southern Hemisphere).
Light is Life. Contact with this Life giving Light is the very purpose of Candlemas.
Traditionally, our Ancestors would bring their candles to be blessed during ceremony and therefore leave with a part of that New Light, symbolically carrying its blessings and creativity in their lives. Incidentally, this is what gives the feast day its popular name: The Mass of Candles or Candlemas.
In the teachings of the Desert Rose it is not enough to believe that we are sparks of the divine light; for then we are still but sparks. We must become lights. A spark merely abides in itself; it does not give forth any useful light or warmth. A flame, on the other hand, shines out in light and warmth for others, yet the light that shines out also allows us to perceive and so receive consciousness of those things that were obscured by the darkness. We become lights through an increase of consciousness, consciousness of our connection with the Divine Reality that we are part of and come from.
The Goddess associated with Imbolc is Brigid. Brigid is the traditional patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft, which are all practical and inspired wisdom. As a solar deity Her attributes are light, inspiration and all skills associated with fire. Although She might not be identified with the physical Sun, She is certainly the benefactress of inner healing and vital energy.
Also long known as The Mistress of the Mantle,and in the Teachings of the Desert Rose, there is a whole expression of the Mantle of the Bride. Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Guadalupe, all hold this Mantle, which symbolizes protection and transmissions to the Divine Mother´s Children.
Let us pray that we may spark our own inner candles with this New Light and spread its fertility, creativity and warmth to others, that we may be blessed with a New Day in this New World we are creating.
Ana Otero