Day 6 Novena Mother Anna

On this Day 6 of the Novena to Mother Anna, we ask you Mother Anna to help us release our Ego, Pride, and Vanity. We ask you to help us transform our Ego to Service, our Pride to Confidence and our Vanity to Humility.
Message from Mother Anna
There is a shift taking place on the Planet. But this shift is also in your homes, communities, neighborhoods, cities, country, and the world at large. But the biggest shift is the shift taking place in your soul, which causes you to feel changes in your body, your heart and your mind. You feel that the structures that provided stability in your life are moving so much and this may make you feel unsafe. You are being asked to look for new ways of being while you connect with the ancient sacred wisdom of the past and this ancient sacred wisdom can be accessed through the communion with the Divine Within you, your inner dwelling. This ancient wisdom lies dormant in your energy fiel, in your subtle body, in your bones. She, wisdom, Chokmah, is waiting for you to take that leap of faith, that new step that will bring you to remembrance, restoration, action and unity. These times may not be easy, but they are purposeful times. When you surrender to your part, your role, in everything that is happening on the Planet you will be able to move into this next cycle with grace, understanding and compassion.
Channeled by Ana Otero
On this 6th day of our Novena, let us spend time in silent prayer, far from our Ego and attachments to who we think we are and what we think we know. Your prayer can be chanting, silent meditation, reflection, yoga, writing, all of us pray differently. What is your role in what is occurring on the planet. Remember, when there is fear, there is submission or uprising. When there isn´t fear in this process we are living as a collective, we are in collaboration.
May the Magdalene Flame guide you every day in every way.
Ana Otero