Channeling Mary Magdalene. The Manifest Soul: Sound as Conception.

A doorway in time is opening. I ask you to go through this doorway and start to view all as sacred and holy. As a Humanity you are being pushed into a new portal of energy and space, this is an opportunity to let go of your fears, doubts and insecurities.
There is now a pouring of solar light into the planet and this light is activating your heart. The heart is the Bridal Chamber and it is here that the Silence of the Soul becomes illuminated so as to manifest as the Divine Human you are. The moment the lover and the beloved merge in your heart you will feel the harmony and the need to be in constant action or the need to survive in a world that is created by the false layers around you will be liberated.
When your soul becomes manifest you will be able to see and speak of what is hidden. Truth can only be revealed when you are reborn. Your true sound can only be heard when the soul speaks.
You can no longer continue speaking from false words, for all that is created from sound that is not the souls only creates karmic chains to the ego.
Whatever your thought pattern is, is how you will speak. If your thought pattern has been infused by the true light of the Bridal Chamber, your thought pattern is love and only love will be created by your words. Thus, you will conceive divinity. The thing is that you believe that the words come from the mind, but they come from the integrity of your body, the wholeness of the body with the mind is achieved through the heart, thus when you speak, you speak as a Divine Human. The Divine Human is the SOUL expressing herself in truth and authenticity in your incarnation.
If your thought pattern has not been purified, your sound is the result of that pattern and will infuse your body with the karmic cycle that energy is related to.
Remember, your soul doesn´t birth, it conceives, and if you birth without conception, you are simply birthing from the thought pattern of the karmic cycles you have not released yourself from.
To Conceive is to be in the Purity of the soul´s incarnation on Earth. To conceive is to activate the light through your SOUND.
Channeled by Ana Otero
May the Magdalene Flame guide you every day in every way.
Ana Otero