Blessings on this last Shabbat – Venus of 2022

Ahava and Blessings
Today is the last Shabbat – Venus day of the year.
Today let us be in devotion to that which inspires us and brings meaning and connection to our lives.
Let us remember that our purpose is a way of being, living, giving and serving.
Let us have Faith in the processes that we are going through, as they bring us growth and wisdom.
Let us believe in the kindness of our Destiny.
Let us remember that the challenges of our Human Experiences are great initiations into the Light.
Let us let go of any restrictions imposed by the Ego and open up to receive the Miracles and Grace.
Let us remember that the Miraculous happens every day and that we are the MIRACLE.
Let us remember that we are complete and that our inner world is the Mana that helps us co-create our outer world.
Sending all of you so much love. This photo was taken by my daughter Almudena and I am in infinite gratitude to her as my personal photographer. Although she is dedicated to the Equine world, she was gifted with the eyes to capture the essence of experiences of the soul. She took this photo after we completed the Recordings for Rhythmic Light Creation for 2023. CLICK HERE for more information.
Have a lovely Shabbat Venus – Day. May we remember that on this day we ask the Divine Feminine Presence, Shekhinah, Mary Magdalene as Queen of Shabbat, to take us from duality into Unity.
Ana Otero