Black Madonna Ritual: Shabbat Blessings

Black Madonna Ritual: Shabbat Blessings

Ahava and Blessings,

SHABBAT BLESSINGS to all of you!

After experiencing a powerful Lion´s Gate Ceremony yesterday evening, I woke up this morning feeling an intimate presence of the Black Madonna. I am still very connected to the work we did a few weeks ago when I facilitated a 9 Day Devotional Journey to Black Madonna Montserrat.

Black Madonna, Mother of True Light, The Gate of the Highest Life.

Although you appear to be black, you are the transcendence of Light and Darkness and all dualism.

You heal us and renew us by taking us into the Mystical Death and Rebirth through which our Soul is empowered and awakened.

You are the spiritual ecstasy that brings us into conscious Divine Union.

You grant us earthly blessings and heavenly blessings.

You are the Dark Radiance of the Primordial Ground from which all arises and to which all returns, and in which all abides.

Blessed Be our Lady of the Dark Light.

(From my Book Mary Magdalene and the Teachings of the Desert Rose)

The Black Madonna emerges, covered in her Sacred Mantle. She is the sacred dark, the whispered mystery between shadow and light. Her darkness is a prelude to dawn. A journey to reach her is a voyage into the very heart of mystery, a pilgrimage to the soul’s hidden sanctuary. As she guides us back home either through the exaltation of joy or through our darkest hours, She is always there for us, the guardian at the threshold, holding the medicinal fire for our healing.

I am sharing this Ritual to the Black Madonna from my digital book BLACK MADONNA BOOK OF PRAYERS AND RITUALS.

Ritual to Heal Our Relationship with Mother Earth with the Black Madonna


1. Space: Choose an outdoor space that feels sacred to you, such as a garden, forest, or park. Ensure the area is clean and quiet.

2. Items Needed: Crystals:

West – Black Tourmaline (for grounding and protection)North – Clear Quartz (for clarity and intention)East- Carnelian (for passion and transformation)South – Moonstone (for intuition and connection with the moon cycles)

Black Madonna Image: A picture or statue.

Bowl of Water: Preferably spring water or moon water (water left under the


Ritual Steps:

1. Setting the Space: Begin by placing the Black Madonna image centrally in your chosen area. In each of the four directions, place the corresponding


West – Black Tourmaline

North – Clear Quartz

East – Carnelian

South – Moonstone

2. Invocation of the Black Madonna: Standing facing the West, close your eyes and say:

Black Madonna, Guardian of mysteries and protector of Mother Earth, I call upon your presence. Guide me as I work to heal my bond with the Earth.

Acknowledging the Directions:West: To the West and the Element of Earth, I offer Black Tourmaline as a symbol of grounding and protection.

North: Turn North. To the East and the Element of Air, I offer Clear Quartz as a symbol of clarity and renewed intention.

East: Turn East. To the South and the Element of Fire, I offer Carnelian, invoking transformative energies and passionate action.

South: Turn South. To the West and the Element of Water, I offer Moonstone, connecting to the intuition and rhythms of nature.

Water Activation Prayer: Hold the bowl of water up towards the sky and say: Waters of life, source of purity and renewal, I bless and activate you with the healing energies of love, compassion, and unity. May you cleanse, heal, and replenish the Earth as I return you to her.

Offering to the Earth: Gently pour the activated water onto the land, imagining it seeping deep into the Earth, carrying with it the blessings and intentions of healing and renewal.

Prostration of Gratitude: Stand tall and take a deep breath. As you exhale, gently bow forward and lower your entire body to the ground in full prostration. Feel the Earth beneath you. Allow yourself to be humbled and offer gratitude to Mother Earth for her endless gifts. Whisper words of thanks, love, and commitment to her healing.

Closing Prayer:

Black Madonna, Divine Mother, thank you for guiding this sacred ritual. I pledge my heart and hands to the healing of Mother Earth. May every step I take, every choice I make, be in alignment with her well-being. May all beings recognize her sacredness and work collectively for her restoration.

CLICK HERE for more information on The Black Madonna Book of Prayers and Ritual.

Wishing all of you a Blessed Shabbat.


Ana Otero

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