Asherah, The Hebrew Goddess

Ahava and Blessings to all of you.
As we are deep in the month of Elul – Virgo, let us commune with Mother Earth, returning to the Ancient Mysteries and Veneration of the Trees.
Oh Asherah, mighty Goddess of old, the breath of the earth, the pulse of the sea,
we stand before you in reverence and awe, yearning for your wisdom to guide us in these turbulent times.
Teach us the language of the trees, the whispers of the winds, the songs of the rivers. Guide our hands as we seek to mend the wounds inflicted upon our Mother Earth.
Show us the way to heal and be healed, to love and be loved, to give and receive with open hearts. As the tendrils of a vine reach for the sun, let our souls reach for your light, oh Asherah, that we may be instruments of healing and bearers of love in a world thirsting for your ancient wisdom. Amein.
This weeks Desert Rose Reading is a transmission from Asherah, the Hebrew Goddess.
Sending love to all of you.
Ana Otero