Adar – Pisces: Revelations of Joy and Hidden Light

The Month of Adar-Pisces
Revelations of Joy and the Hidden Light
Adar​ – Pisces arrives a​s if from the unseen, a month wrapped in the mystery of joy, of laughter that ripples from the depths of the soul. This is the month where the hidden is revealed, where what was once concealed beneath the surface begins to shimmer into form. It is no coincidence that the zodiac of Adar is Pisces, the sign of fluidity, dreams, and the realms beyond the veil.
In the sacred texts, we are taught that when Adar enters, joy increases. But what is this joy? It is not the fleeting happiness of circumstance; it is the deep, unshakable joy that emerges when we align with the truth of who we are, when we allow the Divine to move through us like water flowing effortlessly in its path. It is the joy of knowing that Shekhinah—Divine Presence—has never left us. She has only been veiled, waiting for the moment when our hearts are ready to see.
Each Hebrew month is governed by a letter, and Adar is ruled by Kuf (ק). Kuf is a letter of paradox, straddling the realms of holiness and illusion. It is the only letter that descends below the writing line, hinting at hidden depths, at the way divinity is found even in the lowest places. The sages teach that Kuf can stand for “Ka​dosh” (holiness) or “Kelipah” (the husks that conceal the light).
This is the work of Adar: to pierce through the illusion, to find the sparks of holiness hidden in the ordinary. To recognize that even in exile, even in concealment, the Divine is fully present. Kuf asks us: Where are you willing to look deeper? What in your life appears as an obstacle but is actually a doorway?

Mary Magdalene understood the mystery of the hidden light. She was not only a disciple of Yeshua but the one who saw beyond the surface, who held the wisdom that many were not ready to receive. In the Gospel that bears her name, she speaks of inner vision, of seeing beyond the illusion of the world into the truth of the soul.

Adar invites us into this Magdalene path, the way of deep seeing, of revelation that comes not from external teachings but from the sanctuary within. The hidden teachings are not hidden because they are far away, but because they require a shift in perception, an opening of the heart.

In this month, we are called to reveal the concealed​, in our lives, in our relationships, in our own understanding of self. Where have you hidden your joy? Where has your soul whispered truths that you have not yet dared to embrace? Adar is the month to return to them, to trust them.
Pisces, the sign of Adar, is the great ocean of consciousness. It reminds us that we are never separate from the Divine, only believing ourselves to be. The Kabbalists teach that Shefa​, divine flow, abundance​, pours most freely in Adar for those who align with it. This is not just material abundance but the abundance of presence, of intuition, of trust in the unseen currents that guide us.
Mary Magdalene walked in Shefa. She understood the waters of wisdom, the way revelation arrives when we are willing to be vessels, when we surrender resistance and allow the Divine Feminine to move through us. In this month, let yourself soften into trust. Let yourself believe that what you seek is already seeking you.
Adar comes with an invitation:
To laugh with the Divine.
To walk in joy not because life is perfect, but because joy itself is the great revealer.
To trust that what was hidden is now ready to be seen.
Practice for Adar:
Speak to the Hidden: Each morning, whisper a question to the unseen. Ask for guidance. Ask to see what has been concealed.
Follow the Flow: Let go of resistance and notice where life is already carrying you. Trust that Shefa is present.
Laugh with the Divine: Find joy in the mystery. Let yourself laugh, knowing that what seemed impossible yesterday may reveal itself tomorrow.
This is the path of Adar, the path of revelation, of joy, of hidden light emerging into the world.
May ​we walk this path with a heart wide open, knowing that what ​we seek is already within ​us.
Reminder: Tha Magdalene Myrraphore Accredited Practitioner Training starts in March. CLICK HERE for more information and to register.
​Ana Otero

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