Womb Yoga Accredited Training 2024

Womb of the Soul Yoga

Cultivating a personal practice is essential, specially in this age of the Holy Spirit, also known as the Age of Aquarius.

As the veils become thinner, this also means that there is more Light pouring into our planet and pouring inside of us as well. If our bodies are not prepared energetically, this Light produces chaos when we receive it, as we cannot sustain it.

Different times call for a different way of creating Sacred Space and approaching our embodiment with holiness. Neshama Womb Yoga works to strengthen our Vessel through Kabbalistic Practices, Traditional and Tantra Yoga, Magdalene Light Meditations, Intentional Somatic Movement, Body Light Language, Egyptian Energy Medicine and Sound Mysteries through Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew.
We work with the teachings of the 6 Wombs – Vessels, activating these portals within us and connecting to the Physical and Heavenly dimensions of each womb.

This training
will guide you through the awakening of the six wombs – vessels, each representing a distinct aspect of spiritual and physical existence:


Cosmic Womb
Keter -Chochmah – Binah on the Tree of Life
Connection with Imma Illah (Divine Mother) and the infinite source of Alaha (Divine Presence). El Shaddai Activations and access to the Infinite Source of Light and Wisdom.

Dragon Womb
Chesed and Gevurah on the Tree of Life
Awakening a higher octave of our sacred sexual energy, channeling this force to manifest the essence of our soul across higher dimensions. Working with the Charriot (Merkaba) of fire.
Understanding restriction and Expansion.
Womb of Divine Union
Tiferet on the Tree of Life
Activation of the template of Divine Union. Working with the living waters, Mayim Chayim, and sealing the Yeshua – Magdalene Consciousness in our heart chamber. Reception of the Codes of Venus.
Holy Flame of the Serpent Womb
Netzah and Hod in the Tree of Life
Ignite the Holy Flame of Desire, utilizing this energy for spiritual purification, cleansing, and alchemical transformation. Purification of the Mothers of Creation and connection to the seed of Creation.
Energetic Womb
Yesod in the Tree of Life
Engage with the Divine Feminine Presence and Shekhinah to deepen your incarnational experience. Strengthening the Vessel.
Unification of upper and lower waters of creation. Yisrael Template.
Choosing the Foundation of Life (Tree of Life).
Physical Womb
Malchut in the Tree of Life
Harmonizing your physical womb – vessel with the womb of Gaia, promoting a unified expression and transcending the limited experiences of our incarnation.
Awakening the True Malchut as opposed to the veiled Malchut.
Womb Yoga Practice
1. Body Technology:
Based on ancient studies of Yoga, Kabbalah, Egyptian Energy Medicine, Mysticism and Magdalene – Christ Consciousness. Ana Otero has been practicing yoga since the age of 11 and is certified in Hatha Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Kabbalah Yoga, Yin. She also holds a PHD in Dance Movement Therapy.
Neshama Womb Yoga sessions consist of Yogic Body Work, Kabbalistic Meditations, Breath Work, Intentional Somatic Movement, Celestial Movement Meditations, Sound Mysteries and Drumming Meditations.
2. Neshama Chayim:
Kabbalistic, Essene and Tantric Breath Work and Meditations.
Breathwork is a fundamental spiritual practice in many lineages. Combining breathwork with sacred sound was practiced by the Essenes and many Kabbalist Schools.

3. Intentional Somatic Movement

Somatic Movement refers to a form of therapeutic exercise that focuses on the internal experience of movement rather than the external appearance or result. It emphasizes body awareness, efficiency of movement, and the mind-body connection.

In Magdalene Womb Yoga, somatic movement is tailored to explore the intimate relationship between movement and life force, facilitating a deep listening to the body’s subtle energies and rhythms.

4. Magdalene Light Meditations:

Channeled Meditative Practices that work with the Magdalene – Christ Consciousness and Magdalene Womb of Light.

5. Celestial Movement Meditations

Mudra, Movement and Sound.
Body Light Language with Essene Mudras and Yoga Mudras to activate the Tree of Life Light Language.

6. Alaha Shell Practices:

Unique practices developed within this discipline to promote healing and spiritual connection.

7. Sound Mysteries:

  • Aramaic, Hebrew and Light Language Mantras.
  • Sound Alchemy Healing for each of the Magdalene Wombs.
  • There will be a specific Healing Oil Blend for each of the 6 wombs.
  • We will learn specific rhythms, musical notes and sounds to heal, awaken and activate each womb.
  • Aramaic Shamanic Drumming Meditations.
Our Body
as a Sacred Vessel
Neshama Womb Yoga is an inclusive practice that engages the Physical, Emotional, Energetic, Mental, and Spiritual dimensions of our being. No prior yoga experience is required to participate in the training, although it’s key to understand that we work with the Physical Body in this training. This practice is suitable for all skill levels and is designed to be accessible and beneficial for both women and men.
Ana Otero is the creator of Neshama Womb Yoga and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this program.
She has been teaching Magdalene Womb Yoga since 2015 and, after a period of reflection and enhancement in 2023, the program has evolved to include new teachings and practices that reflect her latest in spiritual developments, evolution and insights, thus holding the Name of Neshama Womb Yoga.
Join Us!
Whether you are looking to deepen your own practice or aspire to teach others, the Neshama Womb Yoga Accredited Training offers teachings that are filled with infinite body and soul wisdom. Prepare to explore the depths of your being, upgrade your physical and energetic body, unlock new realms of energy, and embrace your power to manifest and heal.
The Neshama Womb Yoga Accredited Training starts in June 2024.
This is a 6 months training. At the end of the training you will receive Accreditation. To receive accreditation case studies and practice reflections must be turned in.
Ana Otero teaches this training only once a year.